Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Importance of Learning English

TASK 1A Letter to my teacher I would like to read something that increases my interest of the world society. A literary work that will have an effect on how I see things and what I decide to do later in life. I would like to read a text that contains of a world conflict, politics, human rights or enslavement. I have read â€Å"A Thousand Splendid Suns† by Khaled Hosseini and I would like to read a factual text that has the same effect on me. I got as involved as a 15 year old from Norway could, learned more about it and took part of discussions online.The book changed my life in many ways as got a newfound respect and understanding towards developing countries. I also learned a lot about myself as a person. I learned that I want to make a difference and work as a lawyer in the UN. If I were to pick up a book today, it would have been a book about conflicts in Africa. I would like to learn more about it and try to figure out what that could have been done, and what must be done to prevent future conflicts.I believe discussing in a group session about casualty and our own opinions is going to make students, and myself, more comfortable with expressing our own ideas and how we see things later in a professional life. Having debates and discussions in class leaves the students no other options than to actually study the text and get involved. I expect that the reading project enriches my inner world, improves my grammar and my spelling. Reading gives us access to knowledge and power and can provide a lifetime of enjoyment.I also want to get a better understanding of why our world society has come to what it is today and why there are so many differences crosswise of our cultures. Especially when we are so connected in other areas like import and export, technology, the entertainment industry and communication via Internet. I want to learn how to envision our society decades ahead so that I can do my duty as a citizen and take part of the community. I underst and I may not get all of my expectations fulfilled in just one literary work, but it certainly is a start. TASK 2A The great power that comes with the English languageEnglish surrounds us every single day, whether it is through a novel, texting, chatting online, articles, slang or music. It is a widespread language that most of the non- English speaking countries use as a communication tool with other non- English and English speaking populations. Not only is it because of the United Kingdom’s colonies that English is so widespread, but also because of the great power that came with it. To this date the United Kingdom and the United States of America have had a huge impact on the world because of their literature, business opportunities, ideas for a functional society and their entertainment industry.But why is it so important for us to learn English? Communication is a keyword when discussing the importance of reading English. On the World Wide Web English is the main langua ge and on most Internet pages it is crucial that one can understand English. For instance, most of the industrial world uses the internet to stay connected, therefore being able to understand English is more crucial than ever. From a social standpoint, people who do not know how to read or write English could have big difficulties on a daily basis. For example, they often have trouble travelling.Consequently, those who are English illiterate may not be able to explore new cultures and this could keep him or her from experiential learning. The media gives people the opportunity to learn new information about the world, people, events and places. In a working life, it is important to know what is going on in the world in order to be successful, and the medias main language is of course English. With good English skills, one can also expand their companies’ horizon with international partners, which is followed by even more success.The companies can take part of a bigger interna tional community and speak to a greater public. On a global perspective, the English language in working life can also help prevent some of the poverty problems the world is facing. In addition to helping poor populations out of troubled areas, the poor society can through English communicate with other industrial countries and get collaborations in order to help not only individuals, but a society as a whole. This also helps future generations. Another thing is that some of the African countries only have 13 % gender equality because the women are unqualified.With good English skills, they could have left the country to study abroad, then return to their homeland and work for the government. The president of Liberia, Ellen Johnson is the first female president in any African country, and she studied abroad. It is important to understand that most of the responsibility lies with the government of the developing countries, but that in order for them to get there; they need not only i nformation but also knowledge on how to introduce the English language to their population.To improve my English skills, I believe I should read for enjoyment. Reading more will speed up the development of general knowledge, vocabulary and verbal fluency. Clark and Rumbold (2006, p. 6) states that reading for our own enjoyment is ‘reading that we do of our own free will, anticipating the satisfaction that we will get from the act of reading. It also refers to reading that having begun at someone else’s request we continue because we are interested in it. ’ Reading for enjoyment gives a positive attitude to reading, and the more you read the better you get.Another important factor when improving my English skills is that I have to use the language orally. This will help expand my vocabulary and improve pronunciation. There are many reasons why people should learn English. Great writing skills are sure to earn respect. On the contrary, poor writing will be difficul t to understand, and will leave a bad impression about the character. On a global perspective, it is fascinating to see how English skills can affect not only an individual, but a whole population.In addition to this, learning English will enrich your character and make you more wanted in a business context. References http://alla-kondrat. suite101. com/importance-of-good-writing-and-reading-skills-a97681 Updated: Feb 21, 2009 http://www. dailymail. co. uk/news/article-2122007/Illiterate-Britain-One-adults-struggling-read-write-t-use-chequebook. html Updated: 10:13 GMT, 29 March 2012 http://www. decd. sa. gov. au/literacy/files/links/Reading_for_Enjoyment_9_1_1. pdf Updated: Resource Paper: Consultative Draft November 2010 http://www. globalis. no/Land/Liberia/(show)/mdg Updated: unkown

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Physics Key Points

A force can do one of four things to an object: 1. Make it speed up – accelerate. 2. Make it slow down – decelerate. 3. Change its direction. 4. Change its shape. If something is doing one of these four things there must be net force acting upon it. Newton's First Law ‘Every body continues in a state of rest or uniform motion unless acted upon by an external force. ‘ Something without net force acting on it will either stay still or move at a constant speed in a straight line until you apply a force to it. F = ma Newton's Second Law: †¢ F is the force in Newton’s, N. m is the mass in kilograms, kg. †¢ a is the acceleration in m/s2. This shows that if you keep the mass constant and double the applied force the acceleration will double. Hooke's Law, elastic and plastic behaviour F = kx An elastic material is one that will return to its original shape when the force applied to it is taken away. A plastic (or inelastic) material is one that stay s deformed after you have taken the force away. If you apply too big a force a material will lose its elasticity. In solids If a force is applied over a smaller surface area you get a larger pressure. Pressure can be calculated using the following equation: Pressure = force/area Force will be in Newton’s, N. Area will be in either m2 or cm2. If the area is in m2 then the pressure will be measured in Pascal’s or N/m2. If the area is in cm2 then the pressure will be in N/cm2. In liquids 1. Pressure increases with depth. 2. Pressure acts equally in all directions. 3. Pressure is transmitted through liquids. Hydraulics All hydraulics systems work because the pressure is the same throughout the system. A really good example of this is a car brake system. You need to know all about this for your exams. In gases Although gases are compressible (squashy) they exert a pressure because of the gas particles bouncing off things. Boyle's Law For a fixed mass of gas the pressure x the volume of the gas stays the same. In other words, as you squeeze a gas its pressure will go up and its volume will get less. Important point: The temperature and mass of gas must stay the same for this to be true! We can write this as: Pressure x volume = constant or P1V1 = P2V2 Moments Moments make things turn or rotate. They are caused by forces but are not forces themselves. Like forces, moments have a direction. We say they are either clockwise or anti-clockwise, to show which way they will make something turn. The bigger the force causing the turning effect the bigger the moment will be. The further the force is from the pivot the bigger the moment will be. The size of a moment can be calculated using: Moment = Force x Distance Force is measured in Newton’s, N. Distance is measured in either m or cm. If the distance is in m then the moment will be measured in Nm. If the distance is in cm then the moment will be measured in Ncm. Distance As we all know, the distance between two points is how far apart they are. In science, we normally use metres as our unit. We often represent how the distance between two points changes using a distance: time graph. Speed Speed is how fast something is going. It is how quickly something covers a certain distance and can be worked out using the equation: Speed = distance/time Acceleration This is how quickly something gets faster. So if you were running and getting 1m/s faster every second you would have had an acceleration of 1 m per second per second. We normally write this 1 m/s2. We work out by the equation: Acceleration = change in speed/time taken Frequency, wavelength, amplitude and time period are used to describe waves. Waves can be transverse or longitudinal. Transverse waves – the vibration is at right angles to the wave motion, e. g. light, water waves and the electromagnetic spectrum waves. Longitudinal waves – the vibration is parallel to the wave motion, e. g. sound and some earthquake waves. Wave Speed (m/s) = Frequency (Hz) x wavelength (m) Reflection is the bouncing of waves off a surface. There are three rules of reflection that you need to know. 1. The angle of incidence always equals the angle or reflection. 2. The distance from the object to mirror is the same as the distance from the mirror to the image. 3. The image is always the same size as the object but is laterally inverted. Refraction is the bending of a wave when it goes from one substance into another. Refraction happens because the speed and wavelength of the wave changes as the wave goes into the other substance. The frequency of the wave stays the same. Total internal reflection happens when the angle of incidence, of a wave going from a substance into air, is greater than the critical angle. The wave bounces off the boundary, obeying the rules of reflection. Dispersion of white light produces a spectrum. This is caused by refraction. Light of different frequencies is refracted by different amounts. Red is refracted the least and violet the most. This causes white light to be split up into seperate colours. Diffraction is the spreading out of a wave as it goes through a gap, or around an object. The smaller the gap or the larger the wavelength the greater the diffraction. Diffraction is most effective when the size of the gap is approximately the same as the wavelength of the wave. You will need to be able to draw diagrams showing how waves reflect, refract and diffract. Sound waves are caused by particles vibrating. The frequency of the vibration decides the pitch of the sound. The amplitude of the vibrations decides the loudness of the sound. Ultrasound waves are high frequency sound waves, which are beyond the human hearing range. Ultrasound is used for seeing babies in the womb, detecting cracks in metal and cleaning instruments. Waves can be represented on an oscilloscope screen, which can be used to measure the characteristics of the waves. You should be able to find the amplitude and time period of a wave from an oscilloscope screen. The electromagnetic spectrum is a series of waves that all travel at the same speed in a vacuum. They are all transverse. Each part of the spectrum has different uses and dangers. Each part of the spectrum has a different frequency and wavelength. Gamma waves are at the high frequency end of the spectrum. Radio waves are at the low frequency end. You will need to know the uses and dangers of each part of the spectrum. Different surfaces and materials absorb different frequencies of waves. White surfaces reflect most waves. Black surfaces absorb most waves. Information can be carried along copper cables as electrical signals, or long optical fibres as electromagnetic wave pulses. Optical fibres have advantages over copper cables. Optical fibres can carry more information; the signals can travel faster and lose less energy as they travel along the cable. There are two types of signals, analogue and digital. Analogue signals have a continuous range of values. Digital signals have only t wo values, on (1) and off (0). Digital signals have advantages over analogue signals. Digital signals are easier to transmit as they are less affected by noise; it is also possible to send more information, in a certain time, as a digital signal than as an anologue signal. Types of energy Energy can not be created or destroyed it can only change from one form into another. There are many types of energy including, †¢ sound †¢ heat †¢ light †¢ kinetic †¢ nuclear †¢ potential energy Kinetic energy is movement energy. Potential energy is stored energy. There are three main forms of potential energy including gravitational, chemical and elastic. Sankey diagrams can be used to represent energy changes. The size of the arrows represents the amount of that type of energy. Energy is measured in Joules, J or kilojoules, kJ. Conduction Heat energy always moves from hotter objects to colder objects. Heat energy is conducted through solids by particles vibrating and passing on the movement to neighbouring particles. Metals are best at conducting heat. As well as the vibrating particles, they move the heat energy by free electrons moving between their atoms. The poorest conductors are gases as their molecules are too far apart to affect each other much. Air is a very bad conductor. Most insulators work because of trapped air. Convection Convection is hot gases or liquids rising and cooler gases and liquids sinking to replace it. As substances heat up the density decreases, which is what makes them float. This movement of molecules is called a convection current. It can only happen in a gas or liquid where the molecules are free to move around. Radiation Radiated heat energy is infrared radiation. All hot objects radiate heat. Black, dull surfaces are the best emitters of heat radiation. Lighter, shinier surfaces are poor radiators of heat. Radiated heat can also be absorbed by cooler objects. Black is the best absorber. Surfaces coloured silver or white will reflect the radiated heat. Ways to save energy in the home Reducing heat losses from a home means less damage to the environment and lower heating bills. Installing insulation costs money. The payback time is how long it takes for the savings to cover the cost. Each strategy has to reduce conduction, convection, radiation or any combination of them. Common strategies are double-glazing, loft insulation, tank lagging, lined curtains, cavity wall insulation, blocking up disused fireplaces and putting foil behind radiators. Other conservation strategies include using of low-energy light bulbs, turning down heating thermostats, fitting draught excluders and switching off unattended appliances. Non-renewable fuels and power stations The fossil fuels are oil, gas and coal. They are non-renewable, which means that they can not be replaced. They will eventually run out. These fuels have many uses but the main ones are heating, transport and generating electricity. In power stations, the fuel is burnt and the heat turns water into steam. That steam pushes around a turbine that is connected to a generator. The generator produces electricity. This process is the same for all power stations. Nuclear power stations don't burn the fuel. Uranium fuel generates heat that turns water into steam just like in other power stations. Nuclear accidents are rare, but can be serious. The waste from the reactors can be radioactive. It is easy to store it safely for now but it will stay radioactive for years. Environmental impacts of burning fuels Carbon dioxide is the most common of several gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. The result is global warming. This would result in the weather being more extreme and the ice caps melting raising the sea levels. Sulphur dioxide is the most common cause of acid rain. It dissolves in rainwater to form an acid. The acid rain harms plants, animals and stonework. Alternative energy sources Most of the alternative energy sources are renewable. This means there is either an endless supply of them so that they will not run out, or they can be easily replaced. Hydroelectric power is only possible where the geology is right, such as Scotland. Water runs fast down an incline and turns a turbine. Some developing countries get all their energy from HEP schemes on large dams. The large lake made behind the dam drastically alters the surroundings. Waves and tides have a lot of energy. Few schemes exist because of technological problems and environmental objections. Solar power converts the suns energy into electricity using solar panels. These panels are expensive to make. Wind farms are groups of wind turbines that generate electricity from wind. Some people don't like wind farms because they spoil the view or make a noise. Geothermal energy uses the natural heat in volcanic rock to generate electricity. Gas called methane is produced when matter rots. This gas can be used to generate heat to produce electricity. Burning rubbish is not a way to avoid pollution but it does preserve fossil fuels as well as avoid rubbish having to be put in landfill sites. Crops can be grown to be burnt in a power station. Another version of this is to process the crops into alcohol and use it instead of petrol in cars. Work is done whenever a force acts over a distance, e. g. a car motor produces a forward force to move the car a certain distance. Energy is measured in Joules, J. The work done or energy transferred can be calculated using: Work done or energy = force x distance When working out the work done the force must be in the same direction as the movement. If more than one force is acting in that direction then the resultant force must be used. Kinetic energy is the amount of movement energy an object has. Kinetic energy can be calculated using: Kinetic energy = ? x mass x velocity2 Gravitational potential energy is the extra amount of stored energy an object has because it is higher up. GPE can be calculated using: Change in gravitational potential energy = mass x gravity x change in height This is the same thing as GPE = weight x height Power is the rate at which work is done, or in other words, the amount of energy transferred per second. Power is measured in Watts, W or J/s. Power can be calculated using: Power = energy transferred / time taken Or Power = work done / time taken Energy is often lost to the surroundings as heat energy. This is wasted energy as it cannot be easily used again. Efficiency tells us how much energy is wasted when an energy transfer has happened. The more efficient something is the less energy that is wasted. Efficiency can be calculated using: Power out/power in*100 =efficiency in % Energy out/energy in*100=efficiency in % Static Electricity Static Charge Static charge is a charge that can't move. There are two kinds positive (+) and negative (-). All atoms contain positive particles (protons) and negative particles (electrons) but because they contain the same number of protons and electrons they have no overall charge. Static electricity is caused by an atom having too many or too few electrons (e-). A Van de Graff Generator is a machine that generates huge amounts of static charge, by rubbing electrons off a roller and depositing them on the metal dome. Induction and Earthing The basic rule you need to know is that like charges repel and opposite charges attract. Induction – This is the effect caused when a charged object causes electrons in another object to move. This causes the uncharged object to become attracted to the charged object. Earthing – If enough charge builds up on an insulator, the charge can leap the gap, causing a spark. This can be prevented by discharging the object, gradually. This is called earthing. Useful Static Static electricity is used in many useful machines like photocopiers and smoke stacks (to remove pollution from the smoke). Nasty Static If clouds get charged up enough, you get lightning, the biggest spark of all. Static can also be dangerous when refuelling aircraft. The fuel rubs against the side of the hose and lots of charge builds up. If the plane isn't earthed, the spark can blow the plane up. Basic Circuits Current, Voltage and Resistances Current – This is a measure of the flow of electrons around a circuit (measured in Amperes or Amps). Voltage – This is a measure of how much energy the electrons are carrying around the circuit (measured in Volts). Resistance – This is a measure of how hard it is for the purple to travel through a part of the circuit (measured in Ohms). Direction Problem! Current flows from the positive (+ve) terminal of the battery to the negative (-ve). This is called conventional current flow. The problem is, electrons are negatively charged, so they want to get away from the -ve and go to the +ve. So if electrons are going left to right, you say that the current is going right to left. Circuits An ammeter needs to measure the flow of charge, so it is in series. This means that all the charge has to flow through it and can be counted. It also means that an ammeter needs to have a very low resistance. A voltmeter measures voltage across a component, which you may have heard as potential difference. This means it is in parallel and it also needs a high resistance (otherwise all the current would flow through the meter instead f the component). Series Circuits Current in series: same all the way round (all the current has to flow through everything). Voltage in series: voltages across each component add up to the total voltage supplied by the battery, as they have to share the voltage between them [(A) = (B) + (C) in the diagram]. Higher resistances will need more of the volt age. Final point – resistors in series: To work out the total resistance of two resistors, just add them together. This is because the current has to go through both of them. Parallel Circuits Voltage in parallel: all voltages the same. Current in parallel: the current is shared out between the branches, but recombines near the battery. In the diagram (A) = (B) + (C) = (D). How much current each branch gets depends on the individual resistors – bigger resistance = lower current. Resistance in parallel: you don't normally have to work out numbers, but the rule of thumb is that the total resistance of two resistors in parallel is less than the lowest individual resistor. Circuit Symbols Cells and Batteries: strictly speaking one cell represents 1. 5V, but of you write the voltage above it (e. g. 6V'), most people will understand the cell has 6 volts. Power Supplies: come in all shapes and sizes; just label them as you want. Switches: several types, I've shown the main two that you will come across Lamps/Bulbs: either symbol could be used – it doesn't matter. Resistors: a few types – Fixed, Variable (you can change the resistance), Thermistor (as it gets hotter, its resistance decreases) and Light Dependent Resistor or LDR (the more light that shines on it, the lower its resistance gets). Diode: A diode is like an electrical valve, it only lets current flow one way. If it is connected with the arrow pointing to the negative terminal, current can easily flow, if it is the other way round, it will block the current. A LED or Light Emitting Diode is just the same except it gives off light†¦ Ohmmeter: is connected directly to a resistor, of any kind, to find its resistance (no other circuit is used with it) Check in your syllabus to see if there are anymore you need to know! Know Your Formulae Ohm's Law The law actually says that the resistance of a metal conductor is the same whatever the current – unless it's getting hotter. However most people think of these equations when the law gets mentioned: V=IR and so on, Voltage (V) in Volts, Current (I) in Amps and Resistance (R) in Ohms. Charge (Q) in Coulombs, Time (t) in seconds and Power (P) in Watts. Always remember to show all your working out, including writing the formula properly (not just the triangle! ) and checking your units (e. g. check for mV or kW instead of V or W) Prefixes: These are little letters added to units to make them a different size, but always use the base unit if unsure. Base units are given in the topics, the ones to watch for are time (seconds) and mass (kilograms not grams). |Prefixes: |Name |Value: |Example: | |M |Mega |x 1,000,000 | 1MW = 1,000,000W | |k |kilo |x 1,000 |1kg = 1,000g | |c |centi |? 100 |1cm = 0. 01m | |m |milli |? 1,000 |1ms = 0. 001s | Mains Supply (AC and DC) We use two main sorts of electrical supplies, DC and AC. DC – This is Direct Current. The current flows in one direction only and has a consistent value. Provided by batteries or DC adaptors/transformers that plug into the mains supply. AC – This is Alternating Current. The current flows first one way then the other at a frequency of 50Hz. AC is what comes out of the mains sockets, usually at around 240V. The Ring Main This is the name given to the circuit in your home. You only need to know that it is a parallel circuit and that the lighting circuit is separate from the circuit for sockets. The National Grid This is the circuit that carries electricity all around the country, from the power stations to homes and businesses. Producing the Power Energy is produced by burning fuel which turns water to steam, this drives a turbine, which make electricity via a generator. This electricity is a very high voltage and is passed over the National grid to a step down station then passed straight to your home. Why the High Voltage? High voltage is used over the National grid, to keep current low. This stops energy being wasted. Energy and the Cost Kilowatt-hours (kWh) The kilowatt-hour is the common unit used by energy companies to measure electricity. This is a unit of energy not power or time. It is the amount of energy if a 1kW appliance was left on for 1 hour. The Cost 1kWh of electrical energy costs around 6p, though it may change depending on your supplier. So multiplying the number of Kilowatt-hours you use by the unit cost (approx 6p), give you the total cost of the electricity you use. Safety A common question is to give you a picture of domestic bliss and get you to identify the hazards, such as the person sticking their fingers in the toaster. Things to look for are: . bad wiring, 2. water near appliances, 3. too many double plugs/adaptors, 4. Frayed wires. Just use your common sense and you should get some easy marks! Wiring a Plug One big problem used to be wiring plugs. By law now, all new appliances are fitted with one already, which helps, but you do need to know what's going on inside there Fuses Fuses help protect the circuit aga inst faults. The key thing is to get the wire just thick enough to carry the current you want, but thin enough to melt if there is a current surge. Fuse Ratings Common sizes are 3, 5 and 13Amp fuses, but there are many others. Always choose one slightly higher than the current rating of the appliance, so that it doesn't blow under normal conditions. Circuit Breakers Fuses are not always effective at protecting you, so circuit breakers are also used. They automatically compare the current entering and leaving the circuit and even if there is the tiniest difference they ‘trip' off. Earth The Earth (yes, I do mean our planet) is very good at soaking up loose charge. The earth in your house is probably connected to the plumbing (goes to ground) or a large metal spike in the ground somewhere. Double Insulation If something is completely cased in an insulator, like plastic, it is said to be double insulated, and does not need earthing. You can't get a shock from the case! Atoms are made up of: †¢ protons; †¢ electrons; †¢ Neutrons. Protons and neutrons are in the nucleus and the electrons orbit the nucleus. Protons have a positive charge, electrons have a negative charge and neutrons have no charge. The shape of the atom was discovered using the alpha-scattering experiment. This showed the original plum-pudding model to be wrong! Atomic notation is used to describe atoms. The top number is the mass or nucleon number. It tells us how many protons and neutrons there are in the nucleus. The bottom number is the proton or atomic number, which tells us how many protons are in the nucleus. During reactions the total number of protons and neutrons must stay the same. Isotopes of an element have the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons in the nucleus. It is this different number of neutrons that makes some isotopes unstable and radioactive. These isotopes are called radioisotopes. Ionisation is where an electron is removed from a neutral atom, leaving the atom with a positive charge. Radiation causes ionisation. This can be used to detect radiation, as the amount of ionisation can be measured with a Geiger-Muller tube. Ionisation can damage or kill living cells, this can cause cancer to develop. Alpha particles, beta particles and gamma waves are the three main types of radiation emitted during radioactive decay. All three types of radiation are emitted from the nucleus of the atom. When radiation is emitted the unstable atom loses energy to become more stable. If alpha or beta particles are emitted, new elements are formed because of the change in the number of protons in the nucleus. Alpha, beta and gamma radiation all behave slightly differently due to the way they are made up. Alpha ionises the most over a small distance but is not very penetrating. Gamma is the most penetrating but ionises less over the same distance. Decay equations can be used to work out what new daughter element will be produced when radioactive decay takes place. Safety precautions must be taken when handling radioactive substances. These include, using long handled tongs, pointing sources away from people, wearing lead lined clothing, not inhaling or eating sources. The half-life of a substance is the time it takes for half of the original parent atoms to decay. It is also the time it takes for the count rate of a substance to fall to half the original value. Radiation is used in medicine to cure cancer, in industry to detect the thickness of materials and in dating. Background radiation is radiation that is produced around us all of the time. Sources include certain rocks, cosmic radiation, radon gas in the air, nuclear waste and experiments, medical uses and some foods. The background radiation needs to be subtracted from experiment results on radioactivity.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A research paper on 'Buddha Shakyamuni or Akshobhya, the Buddha of the

A on 'Buddha Shakyamuni or Akshobhya, the Buddha of the East' MET Museum - Research Paper Example The sculpture stands at a height of 57.8 centimeters, which is the equivalent of 22.75 inches. The robust body sculpture showing an early Tibetan Buddha appears to derive its nature and theme from the art works of the post-Gupta North Indian period from the seventh to eighth century1. However, its physiognomy appears to draw its making from the prototypes of Central Asia from the same ancient times. It is one of the few artworks from the time, which have survived, and it is among those surviving ones. Many of the artworks of this culture and time appear to be eclectic blends of a variety of elements from the artistic culture and the artworks of India, Central Asia, China and Nepal.2 The identification of the person represented through the artwork is difficult, but the earth-touching gesture made using the right hand is related to Shakyamuni who is a Buddha from the past. The sculpture indicates the conquest of the historic Buddha over Mara, and evil demon – who was arguably trying to shake his enlightenment by disturbing his meditation. The same gesture shown in the sc ulpture is linked with Akshobhya, who is one of the five legendary Buddha icons that are core to the iconography of Buddhism in the Tibetan region.3 The position of the Buddha’s second hand, where the thumb and the middle finger are clasped has not been linked to the historic Buddha (Shakyamuni), thus has been viewed to be a major indicator that the sculpture is a depiction of Akshobhya. Through the study of this artwork, the writer will demonstrate that art has been used to depict the long-lasting exchange between the religious practices and beliefs of the Indian and the Chinese traditional cultures. The religion of Buddhism began with Siddhartha Gautama, an iconic figure in the Buddhist religion. Gautama died around 400 BCE, and has since been respected and revered as the centrally-placed Buddha Shakyamuni.4 Gautama’s roots are traced to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Strategic Management of Walmart Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management of Walmart - Case Study Example The company has its operations in multiple countries including Mexico, UK, Japan, Argentina, Germany, South Korea, China, Canada and Puerto Rico. However in order to operate in international markets the company has changed its name for some of the international markets. As a result company operates as ASDA in UK, Seiyu in Japan and Walmex in Mexico. The case of the Wal-Mart Stores Inc is cited often for the CRM technology that they have in place for managing customer relations, the innovative JIT based zero inventory management system they have for their stock management and the business model of the company which allows it to benefit from economies of scale while keeping its costs to a minimum resulting in the provision of a large variety of products under one roof to its customers at the lowest prices in the market. The political environment for the Wal-Mart Stores Inc in the United States is relatively stable as compared to its other regions of operations. However the company has significantly contributed to the political environment as well by providing a practice of standardization in the retail industry with fair packaging and labelling as early as 1970. Aside from this the regularised retail industry through bills from the political front enable the company to operate in a relatively easy market. The economic environment for the company has been very volatile. The company itself has contributed in a large way to the GDP of the United States through successful and profitable business and growth in the part years. However the recent financial crisis has effected the Wal-Mart Stores Inc forcing it to reduce its expenses, shut down its below average profit bearing operations and to lay of workers in the United States as well as in the International market to sustain itself through the current economic crisis. However this effect has not been focused on Wal-Mart alone all business and companies operating in the retail sector have been effected similarly by the volatile economic environment. The social environment for the company takes the form of a diverse customer base as well as human right groups and consumer action groups that directly effects the operations of the company. The company has often been criticized for its practices of leveraging male employees over the female employees in the company. Human right activities and feminist consumer action groups have filed lawsuits as well as launched protests against the company in this regard forcing the company to change its management practices to avoid any preferential treatment for the male employees or the practice of an established glass ceiling for female employees. Aside from this the company itself has been providing support to the communities' specific to its regions of operations by providing technological, service based as well as infrastructural development support and by providing a large number of jobs to decrease the unemployment rate in the region of its operations. The technological environment that surrounds the operations

Cessna 421 Cockpit Modernisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Cessna 421 Cockpit Modernisation - Essay Example It uses geared Continental GTSIO-520-D engines. The gearing is such that the drive shaft drives through a set of reducing gears instead of being directly connected to the propeller. The 421 series was first produced in May 1967 followed by the 421A in 1968 which was redesigned in 1970 and sold as the 421B. The 421C came into service in 1975 replacing the earlier versions 421A and the 421B. The aircraft had wet wings, the absence of wing tip fuel tanks and landing gear which was changed from straight leg to a trailing-link design which was produced from 1981 onwards. Its production came to halt in 1985 after 1901 aircrafts had been delivered. The 421C is a light passenger transport aircraft which was approved on October 28, 1975. The aircraft is powered by two Continental GTSIO-520-Ls or Continental GTSIO-520-Ns which are turbocharged, fuel injected and geared six-cylinder horizontally opposed air-cooled piston engine that produce 375hp each. Some general characteristics of this aircr aft include a crew of one or two, a capacity of six passengers, and length of 11.09, wingspan of 12.53m, wing area of 19.97m2, empty weight of 4501 lb, height of 3.49m and a maximum takeoff weight of 3379kg. It has a maximum speed of 256 knots with a cruise speed of 240 knots and a range of 2755km. the service ceiling is 9,205 m and a rate of climb of 1940 ft/min. (Cessna 421 Golden Eagle: Cessna model 421C information manual. 1979) Aim The main objective here is to upgrade the existing avionics panel of the Cessna 421C to the Garmin G600 display in order to reap the benefits of this modern design. Some of these include improved situational awareness, pilot safety and workload reduction. The other objective is to introduce modern avionics to the display panel for the venerable Eagle to make it more modern and efficient. To achieve this, we will employ the G600 together with some other retrofits to come up with a cockpit that is not only modern but also perfect in operation. Addition ally, further improvement of the passenger In Flight Entertainment System is also conducted to bring it to modern levels of service. The upgraded panel offers much more capability and comfort to the pilot. With the space so created from the reduced clutter, the interior design is refurbished. It is fitted with new light gray lather seats, writing tables, refreshment center and a belted potty. Discussion Cessna 421C Cockpit Diagrams are shown here bellow. Before retrofitting Fig 1: Cessna 421 Cockpit before upgrade Source: After retrofitting Source: The cockpit of the Cessna 421 in figure 1 above has several instruments cluttered across the main display panel making it rather tedious to the pilot to work. Most instruments here are mechanical and thus time consuming to read and interpret. Some of these instruments include: a Comm. Dual King KTR 905, Nav Dual King KNR 630, MFD Av idyne EX500, King KLN- 90B Approach GPS, ADF Dual King KDM-805, and Transponder Dual King KXP-755. It also includes autopilot King KFC 250 with Flight Director and yaw. Other important features are the dampener, the HIS Dual Cessna 1000 and a fuel management system. For instance, the altimeter which measures the aircrafts barometric settings, the attitude indicator, the horizontal situation indicator, the gyroscopes, all engine and emergency equipment are all mounted in the basic T fashion. It is therefore my desire to retrofit this window to a modern digital panel by using the Garmin G600 display. With this upgrade, we expect a safer, easy to operate

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The case for christ (student edition) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The case for christ (student edition) - Essay Example His Divinity was evidenced by His resurrection from the dead and ascension to heaven. To ask the reliability of Jesus Christ is also to ask the historical accuracy and competence of the Holy Bible because it is the source of our information about Jesus Christ. For academic discussion, it may be necessary to cross reference the existence of Jesus Christ from other sources other than the Bible itself. Jesus Christ was recognized to have existed by early historians such as Tacitus, the first century Roman historian who is touted to be the most credible historian of the ancient world. In his historical recordings, â€Å"Christians† (derived from Christus, the Latin equivalent for Christ) was already mentioned in an unflattering way considering that he is a Roman. He mentioned that a certain superstitious â€Å"Christian† or â€Å"Christus† existed during the reign of Tiberius and suffered under Pontius Pilate. In the same breadth, the legendary Jewish historian also made an account of Jesus Christ. In his â€Å"Antiquities†, he mentioned that there was a â€Å"Christ† who is a brother of James. Again, he referred Jesus Christ in an unflattering way considering he is a Jew: â€Å"Now there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man. For he was one who wrought surprising feats....He was [the] Christ...he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him.† One version reads, â€Å"At this time there was a wise man named Jesus. His conduct was good and [he] was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. But those who became his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion, and that he was alive; accordingly he was perhaps the Messiah, concerning whom the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Chronic Diabetic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chronic Diabetic - Research Paper Example There are several core signs and symptoms by which chronic diabetes due to hyperglycemia is identified including increased urination, increased hunger, weight loss and increased thirst. In addition to these symptoms, damaged eyes/impaired vision and eventual blindness, renal failure, impotence, foot disorders (due to insufficient blood flow to legs) and nervous system impairment are the long-term effects of hyperglycemia. Chronic diabetes also exposes one to risks of developing stroke, kidney disease, and heart disease. From the causes, signs, and symptoms of chronic diabetes, it is quite apparent that the central way of treating or managing the condition is by lowering the elevated levels of blood sugar to the normal levels. This lowering of blood sugar level not only assists in improving the signs and symptoms of the disease but also prevents/delays the setting in of the myriad complications associated with chronic diabetes. It is not enough to beware of and implement the necessary interventions to realize normal blood sugar levels: more should be done by way of proper, patient-centered, well-coordinated and comprehensive interventions, caring for and treating chronic diabetics. Chiefly at risk of contracting chronic diabetes and other serious and life-threatening conditions are older adults amongst whom most of the life-threatening conditions often associated with chronic diabetes are observed to be more widespread. It has also been observed that many years of undetected or untreated unusually high blood sugar levels. is responsible for widespread chronic diabetes in older adults. Thus, it is imperative that victims of chronic diabetes under formal and informal care should be encouraged to practise good chronic diabetes

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Muhammad The Revelation of the Qua'ran fuels early Islamic growth Essay

Muhammad The Revelation of the Qua'ran fuels early Islamic growth - Essay Example s at that time, the manner in which Quran played a pivotal role in fuelled the growth of Islam and will also shed light on the life of Muhammad, who is the spiritual leader of more than 1.8 billion Muslims all over the world. Muhammad was born in 570 A.D in the city of Mecca, located in the Arabian Peninsula. He belonged to the respected clan of the Quraysh, who were not only well-to-do merchants but also the keepers of the Holy Ka’abah. The Ka’abah is the oldest known structure and attracted pilgrims from the entire Peninsula. (Haykal, 1994) Muhammad’s grandfather Abd al-Muttalib was the custodian and after his demise, the responsibility was passed on to his uncle Abu Talib. Muhammad was orphaned at a very young and was raised by his grandfather and then his uncle; hence Muhammad had a very honorable lineage and upbringing as he had been under the tutelage of some of the most respected members of the society. (Haykal, 1994) Despite the countless vices that pervaded the Arabian society at that, Muhammad earned the love and respect of the people for his honesty and truthfulness. He never indulged in corrupt activity and when he was 25 years old, he was hired a widowed businesswoman Khadija. Despite the fact that Muhammad was younger than Khadija and had an age difference of 11 years, they were bound by matrimony and together had a fairly happy marriage that lasted for a quarter of a century until the death of Khadija. Polygamy was rampant at that time, but throughout his marriage to Khadija, Muhammad never took up a new wife and remained devoted to her completely. Muhammad had always rejected the religion of Arabia at that that was largely based on paganism and idol worship. Muhammad felt that the idols were not responsible for giving life or creating this world, and was highly perturbed by the lawlessness that permeated every aspect of the society. In order to get away from these lecherous affairs of the society, he found solace in meditation and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Segmentation in the Holiday Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Segmentation in the Holiday Market - Essay Example illustrate the importance of market segmentation in holiday market, this paper will cite examples on how different companies segment their market through different methods and offer a specialized product for each segment. An empirical example of this is Tourism Victoria which aims to market Victoria to international travelers. In order to properly address the needs of its differing market and deliver maximum customer value to each customer, it has used market segmentation. The whole market of Tourism Victoria ranges from local Australian residents to international travelers. However, to identify the most lucrative groups and sub-groups in the market it had to classify customers into different sub-groups according to their unique characteristics and target only those profitable niches. Afterwards, the company was able to come up with three major target market segments. Methods of Market Segmentation In its market segmentation process, the company utilized three market segmentation techniques-Roy Morgan Value Segments, MOSAIC, and life cycle. Roy Morgan Value Segments Roy Morgan Value Segments is developed by Colin Benjamin in partnership with Roy Morgan Research Center. This technique is a proprietary methodology which divides the holiday market in terms of customer preferences, needs and motivations. This methodology largely relies in the employment of psychographic data which supplies information on the "deeper drivers of choice" through an evaluation of behaviors in addition to demographics data such as age, income, etc (Domestic Market Segmentation 3). The rationale of using Roy Morgan Value segments is for the company to "distinguish the market segment with highest yield potential and identify their value needs (Domestic Market Segmentation 4)." The wide... This paper stresses that the holiday market is comprised of vast and diverse consumer groups. To further illustrate the importance of market segmentation in holiday market, this paper will cite examples on how different companies segment their market through different methods and offer a specialized product for each segment. The author talks tyhat the whole market of Tourism Victoria ranges from local Australian residents to international travelers. However, to identify the most lucrative groups and sub-groups in the market it had to classify customers into different sub-groups according to their unique characteristics and target only those profitable niches. Afterwards, the company was able to come up with three major target market segments. The use of relevant marketing models in ensuring an efficient marketing plan for the company is practiced by almost all companies worldwide. These marketing models become an effective tool in diagnosing the marketing needs of a firm at the same time that they also convey the marketing needs of a particular product or product line. This report makes a conclusion that an effective marketing strategy is often the key to the profitability and marketability of a product. In this past faced world, the key is in knowing your customers and efficiently serving them according to their needs. An analysis of the consumers’ lifestyle, attitude, preference, and behavior is very essential in crafting an effective marketing strategy not just in the holiday market but in other industries. Likewise, it is also important to consider the life cycle of a product in making right marketing mix.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Technology is impacting daily lives in many ways, especially children Essay

Technology is impacting daily lives in many ways, especially children. Examine the bad effects of technology on the health, education and social life of children in - Essay Example With the advance of technology more and more children are no longer favoring playing beyond the walls of their homes instead their play times have been replaced with long hours of sitting in front of the TV, play station Xbox or on the internet posting videos on you tube, or on twitter and face book if not gaming online. According to Jones, R. (2005) Children need a minimum of 1hr of play per day to ensure they maintain their social life. This poses the danger of mis-information on the children who unlike adults can tell a hoax from the real thing. This ends only confusing children and setting them up for long-term mental failure. According to Graeme, P. (2012) of the Telegraph however points at an even more serious problem â€Å"a generation of children risks growing up with obsessive personalities, poor self-control, short attention spans and little empathy because of an addiction to social networking websites such as Twitter.†(para 4) Furthering this Graeme, P. (2012) of The Telegraph states, â€Å"Young people’s brains were failing to develop properly after being overexposed to the cyber world at an early age† (para 5) according to Chelsea C. and James P. S. (2012) CNN article children were on average doing more than 3000 texts a month. The report notes that unlike the earlier days children are spending more and more time in the media more than with their teachers or parents leaving the paren ting and educating to the cyberspace. The bad effect equally applies to the learning process with the internet largely filled with unverifiable health information. Apart from academic sites linked to universities, colleges and reliable libraries, many websites are full with unverifiable information. Baumeister, R. & Bushman, B. (2011) note that it is important to note that, the minds of children are like sheets of a blank books waiting to be filled. With the current

Monday, July 22, 2019

IBM Research Topic Essay Example for Free

IBM Research Topic Essay Mission Statement-Suitability for IBM The mission statement of IBM is suitable for the organization, and that not only because it sufficiently refers to the features a mission statement must have, but also because it expresses a spirit of success, teamwork and customer consideration, a spirit that only big companies can generate. Mission Statement-Strengths and weaknesses Though much important a mission stetement is, it can develop some strengths and weaknesses regarding mostly the customers of a company, the workforce and its shareholders. These three groups of people constitute a larger framework of groups, which has a legitimate interest in the fortunes of a company, the stakeholders of a company. Customers-Strengths In the market of information technology, customers will expect the most advance information technology from a company in order to fulfill their needs. Customers will also demand a flexible range of products and services (after sales service) to suit their needs. By reading the mission statement of IBM it is more than visible that the company fulfills these demands and provides strengths to its customers (â€Å"we strive to lead in the creation and manufacture of the industry’s most advance information technologies†, â€Å"we translate these advance technologies into value for our customers through our professional solutions and services worldwide†). Generally the mission statement of IBM expresses a spirit of marketing orientation, and customer devotiation. Customers-Weaknesses It is extremeny difficult to pinpoint any weaknesses regarding customers generated from the mission statement of IBM, since the company’s mission statement expresses a spirit of marketing orientation and customer service (â€Å"we translate these advanced technologies into value for our customers through our professional solutions and services worldwide†). However one could say that extremely high technology and development might create such a specialisation that may lead to non-user friendly products, which would not sufficiently serve the needs of the customers. This could be encountered as a weakness. Workforce-Strengths The workforce of a company will expect to operate in a friendly and teamwork enviroement, in which opportunities for training and career development will be given. The mission statement of IBM complies with these expectations, and so provides strengths to the workforce. Since the product line of IBM is highly technologically advanced (â€Å"development and manufacture of the industry’s most advance information technologies) the workforce of IBM will have the opportunity of being trained and having developed their career in the future. Apart from this, the mission statement itself expresses the team spirit that exist in IBM and is being expected from the workforce (â€Å"At IBM, we strive to lead in creation†¦.†. Workforce-Weaknesses Apart from the strengths that are generated from the mission statement of IBM a few weaknesses can also arise. By reading the mission statement of IBM you can easily observe the tense the company has to invest in the development of the company (technology, services) in order to lead in creation, development and manufacture of the industry’s most advance information technologies and so to serve by a more fruitfull way the needs of its customers. This however can have a negative impact on some expectations of the workforce. Employees might expect some profits of the company to be given for the use of raising wages rather than investing for the development of the company. Employees might expect shorter working hours and more standardised products and services. The non-confrontation of these expectations can be considered as weaknesses.

Plastic Recycling Essay Example for Free

Plastic Recycling Essay Due to increased the high residence time in the environment, old and used plastics require recycling to not only ensure clean and healthy environment, but also maximize the resource utility. Sorting/ separation is one of the most important stage in the recycling process as it differentiates the plastics from other materials and categorize it into various forms. Depending on the origin of the plastic materials, the sorting process is made easier especially if there was initial separation at the source where plastics are put in different containers from the others types of wastes. Physical sorting method According to Plunket (2005), this separation method involves use of the visible and physical characteristics of the plastics to remove them from other waste materials or separate different types of plastics. This method is labor intensive as it requires manual inspection through product recognition, color and shape of the materials for the plastic being sorted. Many of the American companies make their products in specific plastic shapes and color therefore making it easy to sort and recycle their plastics from the waste stream. Floating mechanism is increasingly being employed by different recycling plants to separate high and low density plastics depending on weight characteristics (Harper, (2006). Besides, the separating centrifuge is also employed to separate the plastics on the basis of their weight on the high speed rotating drums. According to Nigel (2004), physical sorting process is cost effective in that there is minimal capital investment as the method uses staff and low cost investment machines to sort out the plastics. Unlike in the automated method, there is no need of highly skilled manpower and technology in the process thereby reducing the cost of operation with a great margin. The method is highly suitable for small scale recycling process where the quantity of the plastic to be separated is generally low. However, this method can lead to inaccurate identification and separation due to human error. Types and the speed of separation in the process are highly limited since human beings employ only one visual mode in the identification process. Besides, complications arise when different companies use similar shapes for packaging their products thereby creating confusion and making the companys objective to recycle its plastics be highly compromised. To add to that, the process is highly manual requiring a lot of staff for effective completion which greatly reduces the ability and therefore ineficiency to sort the plastics (Tietenberg Henk, 2006). Plunket (2005) argues that, physical method of sorting plastics is highly uneconomical especially for separating large scale quantities of plastics due to the requirements of large staff numbers at any moment. The quantity of plastics that can be sorted at any moment using the physical method is very limited compared to the automated method. Due to the above inefficiencies, the amount of plastics sorted and recycled is low and therefore not cost effective for recycling companies or the municipal authorities who have large quantities of plastics to be separated. Besides, the method do not guarantee the efficiency required for different plastics to effectively be sorted out. This inefficiency may compromise the products made from the recycled materials at the end of the process (Harper, 2006). Automated sorting method This method employs various auto-separation systems which use sensors in establishing the chemical as well as the physical properties of the plastics to be separated (Tietenberg Henk, 2006). Use of x-rays method of automated separation involves employing the radiation which detects the chlorine elements that are found in the Polyvinyl Chlorides (PVC). This method is highly effective for the plastics that contain PVC but limited in application since it cannot be applied on other plastics. Then, the modern infrared method analysis is being applied on a large scale basis to detect as well as separate plastics of multiple characteristics in their composition. Infrared rays are quantified and categorized on the basis of the characteristics of the specific plastic element type that is needed from the waste stream (Myer, 2007). To add to that, optical scanning is also being used by different industries all over the world where the plastics are separated on the basis of their pigment coloration. It ensures uniformity in the separation process and increases efficiency in the specific separation processes. Automated separation methods have also been effectively applied to separate general plastics from the waste mainstream depending on their main or individual characteristics like High Density Polythrene, Pollythylene Telephthalate and Polypropane. The main advantage of this method is that it is highly effective and the quantities of the plastics that can be sorted at any one moment is very high. Myer (2007) notes that, different types of plastics are also easily recycled as the machine error is highly reduced compared to the high human error in the mechanical system. Also, the method is less labor intensive as it employs the modern technology in enhancing efficiency of the work done. However, the method requires high capital investment to install and operationalize the whole system. Protective equipments for the radiations add to the external costs for the people who work and operate the machines. Infrared and x-ray generating machines require specialized experts to operate thus increasing the overhead cost to a very large extent. Besides, there are high hazard risk levels for the people operating with these machines due to exposure on the dangerous radiations of x-rays and high infrared levels (Nigel, 2004). Though the initial cost of machines installation is relatively high, this method is highly cost-effective in the 21st century due to the increasing need for faster plastic sorting and recycling. It is a great tool for conserving the environment and maximizing the resources utility. The quantity of the plastics that can be sorted out at any moment being very high, then the method ensures that the remaining process and eventual processing into finished products receives enough and correct materials. Conclusion. Sorting as indicated earlier, is one of the most important steps in the recycling process as it makes the remaining processes easier and more effective in their application. It captures the plastic materials either from an integrated mixture in the waste stream or from assorted plastic mixtures therefore making it possible to use the material for further other products development. Automated method is thus more cost effective in sorting the plastics due to its high efficiency in dealing with bulk wastes at any particular moment. As the world consumption patters continue changing year after year, the levels of the plastic wastes are bound to increase in the environment and the most cost effective method of sorting this waste should be adopted (Plunket, 2005). Automated method should be adopted by all the municipal authorities, recycling commercial industries and individual industries which recycle their own wastes as it ensures long term cost effectiveness.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Hotel New World Collapse Commerce Essay

The Hotel New World Collapse Commerce Essay Public relation officers agencies are very important people to any organisation as they are the ones who in my opinion keep the ball rolling day in day out. Being a public relations officer, he or she must learn how to handle the media learn how to get clients to keep the business running and most importantly learn how to manage a crisis. There was crisis which took place in 1986, the Hotel New World collapse. 15 March 1986, at approximately 11.25 am The Hotel New World, which is also called the Lian Yak building, located at the junction of serangoon road and owen road, collapsed killing 33 people with 17 survivors. This collapse was a major factor why buildings in Singapore now are much more versatile and less likely to collapse. This was a major disaster which could also be classified as a crisis. And I believe there could have been more effective ways where they could have reacted better and save more lives. 2. Crisis management First and foremost what is crisis management? Crisis management, also known as firefighting, is where you know how to avoid the crisis if its possible and appropriately react to the crisis if it cannot be solved (Bernstein, 2011). During a crisis having a crisis team would be essential. Also the members of the team should be able to tell the higher officials in their organisation what to do during a crisis with no fear. The team members should consist of two spokesperson who are the mouth. One will be a backup. A leader who is the brain, someone who will make the important decisions and are accountable for those decisions, such as the CEO or owner of the organisation. And a lead in-house professional and the full PR agency team also known as the hands, for breadth of reach and redundancy reasons (Anthonissen, 2008). The spokespersons, also known as the mouth are representatives of an organisation. How many spokesperson an organisation needs depends on the size of the organisation as they might have many outlets in many countries. But the basics are two spokesperson. The first one would be the primary spokesperson. He or she would represent the company while handling the media. The second one would be a backup He or she will represent the company if the first spokesperson is not available or if is need to explain the crisis in another location. Also these spokesperson need to be media trained. They should know how to handle the media as its the organisations reputation which is at stake. Thus making a wrong move in front of the media would further add to the crisis hence the spokesperson need be a specialist but must be able to handle the media well. Next is the brain which is the crisis committee. This crisis committee is led by the leader who might be the CEO or owner of the company. The committee`s first job is to make a decision on how will they be operating during a crisis. A very simple way to operate is to make sure majority of the team agrees on the decisions made. But this might not be the best option as ex British Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher said, Consensus is the negation of leadership. The team must co-operate with the leader to make it an effective committee. Also in the team one person has to be in-charge of all the communications taking place during the crisis This person has to be responsible for- getting the team together during the crisis Communicating the needs of the committee to the mouth Approving all communication messages before they go live Reporting the situation as it develops to the crisis committee Reporting the total crisis once it`s all over (Anthonissen, 2008). Usually the people who are in charge of communications point are the lead in-house communications professionals. During the crisis having a media contact team is also vital. As during the crisis calling up the media and updating would be time consuming thus this team would handle the information being given to the media. The team will need to inform he media about press conference etc. To have a good media contact team they must- Have good press contacts Have a clean and updated full media list at any given time Understand how journalists and editors from different news media work Be practised at media tools Have facilities to translate documents and provide simultaneous translations at a press conference or media interview, if required Have ability to move very quickly(Anthonissen, 2008). Therefore having these qualities would make the media contact team much more useful and essential to update the media about the crisis. Thus that would be one burden of the shoulders of the leader and therefore concentrate on how to resolve the crisis much more efficiently. A good public relations officer will not think that crisis would not happen in his or her organisation and would be well prepared for it. Therefore they must be well prepared for a crisis by looking into what could be the possible areas that might cause a crisis. Next they must come up with a crisis plan. A good public relations officer will plan out everything in detail on what to do when a crisis occurs. This crisis plan can include information such as what are the steps to take by the staffs, crisis management team members. Lastly they must implement the action plan. Planning for a crisis is one thing. But facing a real crisis will be very stressful and it will be a much tensed environment thus no matter how hard an organisation plans out a crisis plan it would be tougher when faced with a real crisis. Therefore it is important to select members of a crisis team for their ability to remain calm and in control while under pressure (Ali, 2011). Also during the crisis every member of the crisis management team should have a copy of what the crisis plan is. Also they should know what their roles are during a crisis. Therefore ensuring a smooth crisis management during a crisis. There are three types of crisis. They are creeping crisis, slow-burn crisis and sudden crisis. Creeping crisis is where a crisis is foreshadowed by a series of events that decision-makers dont view as part of pattern. An example of a Creeping crisis is when the steps take to save a persons life in an emergency situation is not clear. Slow burning crisis is where the signs or warning has been given about the situation but it has not caused any damage to the organisation yet. An example of slow burning crisis is when the organisation goes thru a lawsuit, discrimination complaints or when the organisations reputation is at stake. Sudden crisis is where the damage has been already inflicted and the crisis will get worst if the damage is not contained well. An example of sudden crisis is when a fire breaks out in the building or when the building collapses. The Hotel New World disaster is classified under the category of sudden crisis as it the building collapse was an unexpected event which took place too quickly for anyone to react in time. 3. Analysis The Hotel New World crash shocked everyone in Singapore. It killed a total of 33 people. The crisis is considered to be one of the worst in Singapore history. Before the collapse the building was also in the headlines as it left 35 hotel customers unconscious in August 1975 due to a carbon monoxide leak. The building came down within less than a minute. It was completely demolished. There were 17 people stuck in under rubbles still alive who were eventually the survivors. The building was occupied by an industrial and commercial bank and a night club. But major parts of the building were taken up by The Hotel New World. On 15 march 1986 at approximately 11.25 the lian Yak building came crashing down to rubbles. The building was brought sown within less than 60 seconds. The first call to the SCDF was made at 11.33 sending out their men to the area. First to arrive at the scene was station officer Abu Bakar. He was in charge of the first two fire engines which arrived at the scene with the thought of just nothing more then just a fire outbreak. Upon reaching at the location he then realise its way worst then what he had expected. There was not enough time for anyone inside the building to have escaped in time. Once the rescue team had arrived at that place they started planning on how to operate this mission as this building collapse was the first of its kind in Singapore thus the rescues team were not well trained for this situation and also the equipments were not the appropriate ones used for this type of rescue mission. By noon most of the ministers had arrived at the scene too and almost all the available rescue officers were deployed in order to help the survivors escape thru the rubbles. On first 2 days they tried removing the rubbles first then finding for people. After that on the second day the rescue officers consulted experts whom were at that time tunnelling for the MRT lines in Singapore. Then with their assist the rescue team had work intensively to find for survivors. On 19 march 1986, the rescue mission was called off. A total of 50 people were trapped under the rubbles of the building. 33 people died at the scene. There were only 17 survivors. Then president, Mr Wee Kim Wee had then set-up a group on 22 march to investigate why the building crashed without any warning. This team which was assembled consisted of Mr Justice L. P. Thean, Dr A Vijiaratnam, Professor S. L. Lee and Professor Bengt B. Broms. On 16 February 1987 the final report was submitted to the president. It gave the full details about the building the building owners and especially on why the building crashed was revealed. The main cause of the collapse was in the structural design. According and to the Report of the inquiry into the Collapse of Hotel New World, Analyses of the structural design showed that the dead weights of many structural elements were underestimated and that a large number of individual structural members were grossly under-designed. This is quoted directly from the report. This shows that the building is in fact a ticking time bomb. And the mistake was indeed made 15 years ago when the drawings of the building were made was the. Next w as the construction. The quality of the way the building was being constructed was unsatisfactory according to the report. Reinforcements were less than what was stated in the R.C drawings. Also there was no professional supervision in the construction site which was one of the many factors leading to the collapse. And finally three of the pillars in the building had cracked thus bringing the Lian Yak building down on 15 March 1986. It could stand its own weight because the building was like a time bomb waiting to collapse and when there were new installations placed in the roof the Lian Yak the building it could not hold any longer thus collapsing. The inquiry also brought to light that the managing director of Lian Yak Realty was the one who was the overall in-charge of the building. But unfortunately he had died in the collapse. It was revealed that he had actually used draughtsman to build the building. And the engineer did not calculate the weight of the building properly thus making the building collapse. Also after this incident, the Singapore government had made all their constructions of building rules much more tighter, did checks on existing buildings and find out which buildings were at risk and also they gave the power of authorising and inspection of the buildings to the Ministry of National Development. In my opinion this disaster could have been easily avoided. It was due to carelessness which caused 33 people lives. First and foremost I believe the managing director should not have overseen the construction of this building alone and they should have had group or a team which represents the Lian Yak realty company. Also I believe the communication process which went through the organisation was poor as in the end the managing director was at fault for hiring draughtsman to build the building. This shows that the organisation did not check what was the managing directors doing or who he was employing at the construction site. This is where a public relation officer would be vital. As they can come with a check list on what can be done when there is a crisis. What are the minor and major things to take note during a crisis. Also in my opinion I believe the government could have done their part by ensuring all the rules and regulations for construction were followed strictly. The recommendations that were given in the report could have been implemented earlier. They should have learnt from past disasters such as the collapse of Broadways Grandest Hotel which took place in the year 1973. Also they could have better prepared the Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) in theses type of crisis. They could haves sent them for training overseas instead of taking the hotel new world collapse as a lesson. This crisis clearly shows that nobody was prepared and had the mentality that the building will never collapse thus in my opinion a contributing factor for so many deaths. 4. Evaluation There are ways that could prevent this kind of sudden crisis. There are a lot of measures to be taken to avoid such crisis would be vital in life and death situations. Thus one must be prepared to face all kinds of situation. The definition of being prepared here is having a plan ready to be executed when there is a crisis (Anthonissen, 2008). This firstly there must be a check list created on what to do when a crisis occurs. When creating the check list the public relation officer must think of all possible crisis and what are the steps to avoid the crisis or escape the crisis. Like I earlier mentioned one must not be too complacent and think to themselves that the crisis would not happen. As a public relation officer we must expect the unexpected. Thus creating a check list would be beneficiary to anyone who uses it during a crisis. Also like earlier mentioned having a crisis management team would be very vital. Successful managers are those who work with successful teams (Hunsaker, 2001). Not only that the team should consist of people from various departments thus they would be aware of what to do when a crisis situation occurs. Thus it would be easier for them to escape during a sudden crisis compared to only one person handling the whole situation. This causes more stress on that individual this sharing the workload would be the best thing to do therefore having a crisis management team is definitely a positive impact. There also ways where we can prepare the people by having drills to for a sudden crisis would be a good solution to better prepare them and make sure they know what to do when having a crisis. There are three types of crisis drills. They are Tabletop exercises, Drills and Full scale exercises (Bernstein, 2011). Firstly the tabletop exercises. These exercises are usually done with the people sitting around a table. Its a discussion where the key manager explains the roles of the people during a crisis (Bernstein, 2011). Next is the Drill. Drills are where a specific department might be put to test to see how they would react when in crisis. External officers might sometimes do the evaluation. Finally the Full-scale exercise. As the names says it full-scale exercise, the organisation, the people working in that building will be put to test when they re-enact a crisis situation and would then see how quickly they escape and checking if their crisis management has been successful The Hotel New World collapse could have been a crisis avoided but the collapse has now educated the people the relevant authorities on how to improve their crisis management skills. The SCDF got experience on how to manage a sudden crisis like The Hotel New World collapse. The Singapore government came down hard on the rules of buildings. From a PR point of view, in my opinion the Lian Yak Realty failed in handing this sudden crisis. Yes this was a lesson but I believe the Lian Yak Realty should have been better prepared and should have at least done their part in the aftermath of the collapse. I am sure this crisis should have been avoided if there was a proper organisational structure in Lian Yak realty. This was an incident which changed the future of Singapore in terms of how the buildings were constructed and how to handle a crisis.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Home sweet home Essay -- essays research papers

â€Å"Home Sweet Home†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are hundreds of people, young and old that live in my apartment complex and each of them have a different and unique story to share. My story is that I come from the typical middle-of -nowhere suburbia, where the grass is always green, and all of the houses look the same. In that community it is easy to become too comfortable, and forget that things aren’t so â€Å"perfect† in the rest of the world. When my step-dad past away, we sold the house and moved into town changing the way I lived my life. The city feels like a different community and it seems to have a different atmosphere than the one where I came from. While writing this paper, it is my objective to become comfortable with my surroundings, and accept this community as mine.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The typical stereotype for apartment complexes is the children are constantly running around causing trouble and the walls are so paper thin that everyone knows every aspect your life. Here at Village at Van Mall, that couldn’t be any further from the truth. The children are confined to one area and the only time you hear from your neighbors is if you happen to run into them on your way out. The quiet community is tucked away in a hollowed out forest just off of Van Mall Drive. The towering evergreen trees provide a pleasing shade and from time to time a () rejuvenating breeze sweeps through the complex. The individual apartments are stacked two high and two across...

My Best Friend Essay -- Friendship Essay Personal Narrative

My Best Friend   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It was raining the day Mark Turner died. On a dark, rainy summer night, he foolishly got in the passenger side of a 1998 midnight blue Eclipse. His 19 year old cousin Sam, was the driver, and Sam had a little too much to drink that night. At about three in the morning, they were leaving a party that one of Sam's friends threw. They were rushing home, because they already had missed curfew by two hours. Not aware of his surroundings, Sam carelessly got on the wrong side of the road. A speeding pickup was heading right their way. By the time they saw the truck, it was too late. Sam swerved his car to the right. Although they missed hitting the truck by a few inches, the sleet on the road from the rain caused them to go over the rail of a bridge. They were over a 100 feet in the air. Sam died instantly from the impact of the paved concrete below, but their still was a little hope for Mark. Obviously not enough, because he was pronounced dead at approximately 5:38 that morning.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mark and I grew up in one of those small towns were everybody knew everybody. He lived just two houses down from me. Everything we did, we did together. He knew and understood me like no one else did. He was always there for me through thick and thin. He was the only person who I can say was my best friend. Whenever we got into a fight, I could never be mad at him for more than a day. . We were a team, like Batman and Robin, or Starsky and Hutch, we were blood brothers for li...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sherlock Holmes & The Speckled Band / Lamb To The Slaughter Essay examp

Sherlock Holmes & The Speckled Band / Lamb To The Slaughter "Lamb to the slaughter", by Roald Dahl, and "The Speckled Band" by Arthur Conan Doyle share many features, despite the difference in eras in which they were written. Each story has its own distinctive style when creating both tension and an atmosphere of suspense. "The Speckled Band" has a sense of urgency about it, yet manages to build up suspense until the climax of the story. "I have reasons to know....which tend to make the matter even more terrible than the truth." This quote, found in the first paragraph, immediately begins creating an atmosphere for the story, and intriguing the reader as to what the narrator (Dr. Watson) is talking about. The reader will now want to continue reading to find out the truth. Doyle also uses other character's speech to add to the tension: "It is not cold which makes me is fear, Mr. Holmes. It is terror." At this point, the events have not been explained - this character (Miss Stoner) describing how she is feeling inceases the tension, as the readers do not yet know the full situation; only that they should be scared of whatever it is. The use of the word "terror" helps to emphasise the point - 'fear' may not be strong enough, but following it with 'terror' helps to reinforce the situation to the reader. "You must not fear...we shall soon set matters right." As Sherlock Holmes says this, it may cast a doubt over the reader's mind - if a character issues a statement proclaiming that things will turn out well, there is a concept that the opposite may happen instead. All this further adds to the need to read more, as the reader will now want to see if Holmes is indeed correct. .. ...e author here also manages to end the story in a fitting manner, by having the investigating officers eat the murder weapon. The atmosphere and overall tone changes at the climax - from a serious murder story to a black comedy, using the line: "Personally, I think it's right here on the premises." "Probably right here under our very noses." The irony is that the men are being unknowingly correct - they are actually eating the leg of lamb used to kill one of their colleagues. The two stories also differ in the way they use sympathy. In "The Speckled Band", the audience is supposed to express sympathy towards the victim, Helen Stoner, and is expected to be against the killer, Dr. Roylott. In "Lamb To The Slaughter", it is written so that it appears the killer is actually the true victim - that she was driven to killing her husband by the man himself.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Free Fall Lab

Free Fall Lab Natalie Soria Lab Partners: Ryan Michaely Iqra Haji Yan Huang 1. Purpose: The purpose of this experiment is to determine the acceleration due to gravity by observing the motion of a free falling object. 2. Equipment Used: A. Timer Switch B. Time-of-Flight Accessory C. Control Box D. AC adapter E. Drop Box F. Steel ball G. Solid gold ball H. Big plastic ball 3. Method Used: 1) Place the steel ball on the drop box. 2) Set the timer to â€Å"Time: Two Gates† mode. 3) Measure the distance between the bottom of the ball and the plate and record in table 4) Release the ball using the timer switch and record the time it takes to fall. ) Change the distance and repeat step (4) until table is complete 6) Repeat steps (3) – (5) with solid golf ball 7) Repeat steps (3) – (5) with big plastic ball 4. Diagram: Time-Of-Flight Accessory Time-Of-Flight Accessory Timer Switch Timer Switch Timer Timer DROPBOX DROPBOX 5. Data: STEEL BALL Table 1: Determining the accel eration of the steel ball dropped Distance (M)| Time(S)| Time(S2)| 0. 80m| 0. 4074s| 0. 166s2| 0. 75m| 0. 3969s| 0. 1575s2| 0. 70m| 0. 3809s| 0. 1451s2| 0. 65m| 0. 3692s| 0. 1363s2| 0. 60m| 0. 3546s| 0. 1257s2| 0. 55m| 0. 3438s| 0. 1182s2| SOLID GOLF BALLTable 2: Determining the acceleration of the solid golf ball dropped Distance (M)| Time(S)| Time(S2)| 0. 80m| 0. 4044s| 0. 1635s2| 0. 75m| 0. 3906s| 0. 1526s2| 0. 70m| 0. 3785s| 0. 1433s2| 0. 65m| 0. 3643s| 0. 1363s2| 0. 60m| 0. 3494s| 0. 1257s2| 0. 55m| 0. 3390s| 0. 1182s2| PLASTIC BALL Table 3: Determining the acceleration of the plastic ball dropped Distance (M)| Time(S)| Time(S2)| 0. 80m| 0. 4111s| 0. 169s2| 0. 75m| 0. 4026s| 0. 1621s2| 0. 70m| 0. 3849s| 0. 1481s2| 0. 65m| 0. 3698s| 0. 1368s2| 0. 60m| 0. 3553s| 0. 1262s2| 0. 55m| 0. 3382s| 0. 1144s2| 6. Calculations: Determining Avg. Time for each trialWith formulas:With numbers: T1+T2+T3 = Avg. T (S)(. 4072s) + (. 4078s) + (. 4073s) = Avg. T(S) 33 .4074s = Avg. T (S) Determinin g T2 With formulas:With numbers: T = S2 T = (0. 4111s)2 T = 0. 169s2 7. Conclusions: The objective was to determine acceleration due to the effects of gravity. Gravity stayed constant through the whole experiment. Source of error could be due to measuring between ball and mat inaccurately. Answers to questions (1) Using our kinematics equations and the concept of a straight line (y=mx+b), show that the graphs made in part (7) should indeed be a straight line.What should the theoretical values for the slope and y-intercept be for this graph? (2) What are the actual values of the slope and y-intercept for the three graphs. Compare these to the theoretical values. Calculate the gravitational acceleration for all three balls from this information. (3) Comment on why the acceleration due to gravity is less for the plastic ball than the others. Give some ideas why you think this particular ball would behave like this and the other balls would not. The gravitational acceleration due to gra vity is the same for every object, the total acceleration is not.Acceleration is reduced a bit by the particular mass of the ball. In cases where â€Å"m† is large (like the steel ball and golf ball), the factor will be small and therefore falling at almost the same acceleration. But in the case where â€Å"m† is small (like the plastic hallow ball) the factor could be large, and therefore the balls acceleration could be significantly less due to the hollowness of the ball. Although the plastic ball is bigger in size, its mass is lighter. (4) A ball is thrown upward. While the ball is in the air, does its acceleration increase, decrease, or remain the same?Describe what happens to the velocity of the object from when it is thrown until when it returns. While in the air, the balls acceleration would remain the same. When the ball is thrown, its velocity is positive and decreasing as it’s going up, and at the highest point, the velocity is zero. When it’s c oming back down, the velocity is negative and increasing. (5) Explain conceptually (without using equations) what the shape of Distance vs. Time would look like for a ball falling to the ground. Use kinematics to explain why it would be like this. The falling ball is moving at a constant rate ( 9. 80 ms-2 )

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Brief History of Starbucks Essay

In 1971, Starbucks open(a) its first memory at Pike Street grocery store in Seattle, by three partners Zev Siegel, Jerry Baldwin and Gordon Bowker. Starbucks opened with the intent of being a bon vivant hot chocolate bean retailer and coffee tree equipment seller. The Starbucks ca-ca and logo came from two influences a character named Starbuck in the classic book, Moby Dick, and a mining camp on the solution of Mt. Rainier called Starbo. These two influences were combined to create Starbucks (Wikipedia, 2006). n 1982, entrepreneur and current chairman, Howard Schultz, get together the caller.When Schultz joined the company, he wanted to change the companys focus away from in home coffee production and coffee bean retailing, to also include marketing coffee drinks. Schultz wanted to create an Italian espresso bar atmosphere to the Starbucks Company. Siegel, Baldwin, and Bowker didnt equivalent the idea, but in 1984 Schultz convinced the founders of Starbucks to taste the c offee bar concept in a new location in downtown Seattle (Starbucks, 2003). In 1985, Schultz decided to die the company and start his own Italian espresso inspired company called Il Giornale. In 1987, Schultz got backing from local investors and purchased Starbucks. Shultz then changed the name Starbucks to Starbucks Corporation (Starbucks, 2003). Today, Starbucks has much than than 12,000 stores globally and more than 8,800 in the United States (Reuters, 2006). Starbucks burster and ObjectivesMission StatementsStarbucks is different than many businesses they combine belligerent marketing strategies with corporate responsibility. Starbucks wants to be more than the worlds largest coffee workshop chain, (Reuters, 2006)

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Nike Supply Chain Essay

Nike Supply Chain Essay

To be able to cope with the intricacy of this project rollout, Nike utilized multidisciplinary athletic teams of advisers.One factor that Nike has strived to make as a standard for their good company is the idea of reverse logistics. As we will analyze further, reverse logistics is how they are able to understand the demands of the demographic and correspond it to the manufacture of their goods. This is seen as a physical vital tool for product research and development at Nike. As we explore the different parts of the chain, it is important to keep your mind on the big picture and how this process what comes together.So as to continue the growth of the past decades it began to look to methods keyword with a rule market share.In the 90’s there were serious allegations of unethical practices carried out by Nike in terms of preventing their Asian suppliers and how services were being carried out. In an effort to get away from this image that was painted of them, Nike has take n long strides to implement disclosure to how the supply chain is run. Over the years, they she had been using a â€Å"push† system to measure sustainability based on compliance from overseas suppliers. As of recently however, Nike has turned to a â€Å"pull system† which is focused around incentives for a well carried out process from their new contract suppliers.

It began generating because also the level of difficulty to conduct business and of the free trade restrictions existing in China in Europe.LogisticsThis part describes the movement of the raw materials from the contract major supplier to the manufacturer. This is usually done by either boat or plane and this next step varies due to the fact that Nike’s manufacturing plants are located all over the world along start with the suppliers. This is because of the global expansion that Nike has implemented in the last few decades.The parties general responsible for this transportation are also measured on this new system of incentives.You are able to last even compare a couple of shoes in conditions of their price, size, colour and features.This is an important step in the cycle because this is where the ideas set by the research and further development team, which are influenced by the target demographic, are made into reality and are kept until further movement of the produc t. Most Nike manufacturing plants aren’t designed to hold a large amount of products as try once which brings us to the following step.Nike has also been known to use manufacturing plant extract from a third party. Because of the fact that Nike is still responsible for these processes carried out by these manufacturers, they keep a close watch on the quality of the products produced.

Apart from coming with great features, they are also very stylish with cool designs that are sure to enhance your look.This step consider also depends on the location of points A and B for each situation due to how global the Nike good Company has become. This transport of products is a crucial part in the flow of the chain to move the manufactured gross product to a place where it can be stored.Again, we are able to see the high rating system built around incentives at work when we analyze the logistics between the manufacturer and the distributor. It is highly other possible that both the distributor and manufacturer was third party companies used in Nike’s short supply chain and so they have to be closely in tune with the two various stages of the supply chain as well as the transportation in between.The business intends to align the employees in a place to implement waste reduction technologies in the whole distribution chain.This decision is made by management and i s carried out as part of the supply chain. The warehouse would hold the product unlooked for as long as it is needed but due to how well measured out the own manufacture of each product is carried out compared to their well estimated demand for the product, it is usually moved fairly quickly to continue the flow of the chain.Distribution is important because the final product needs to be stored before is sent to vendors. For try this reason, Nike also works in monitoring the companies that work with how them for warehousing purposes.

Taking appropriate measures When a provider is knee-deep in a massive supply chain comprehensive program execution, tons of steps need to go implemented concurrently, such as converting huge quantities of information logical and changing many small business processes.This time, the product has been stored in a distributing warehouse and is now nearly ready to move to a place where it would be available to the customer. Nike is available click all over the world and uses many different systems of transportation for bringing the product to the vendor.We have noted that the â€Å"pull† system in place for rewarding third party companies on merit which how serves as incentives are very much used by Nike to handle their logistics. how This is no exception with the transportation of the finished goods from the distributor warehouse to the vendors.Additionally, it generates a first great deal of revenue.Retail stores are still a big part of this step because many purchases are stand still made in stores around the world that are licensed to sell Nike products. Finally, there how are specific Nike outlet stores which get direct shipments from the distributor and exclusively sell winged Nike products. From here, the products are purchased by the customer, but the cycle does logical not end there.8.

It had.Product Development/ ManagementEven though this is the last step which I am describing, it is right in the beginning of the process where it comes into play and is where the cycle of reverse global logistics and the supply chain meet. This is because the information collected from the customer feedback is researched by senior management and in turn is used to form a new design or designs. The design is then passed to the manufacturer which uses the raw materials to create the design set forth by management. This way, the cycle is continuous and efficient.Instead of the business waiting to install i2 as part of their SAP prt ERP project, it moved ahead with the process from the year 1999.By utilizing a single thread to basically make the most entire shoe. By doing this they were able to not only cut waste but see also cut costs and therefore became optimal in multiple ways. Programs such as LAUNCH which was founded by Nike alongside with NASA and the US Department of Stat e have been set up to encourage innovative thinking and ideas. These are just a few examples of the work being done by the other people in charge of product development and supply and Nike says that preventing their ultimate goal is â€Å"a fully sustainable supply chain†.

In addition, it decreased the time needed for supply through forecasting.Sustainable Business first Performance Summary. Available at FY10-11_FINAL.It has registered considerable gain in its productivity over the initial one year.2013. good Governance and Sustainability at Nike. Harvard Business School Teaching Case.Porteous, A.

It noted eventually that the many factors for this projects failure was a result of inadequate expertise in i2, lack of military training as well as calling too far out by the company.L., Rammohan, S., V., D., Carroll, G., Brady, D. 2013.