Thursday, October 31, 2019

Singapores Energy Diplomacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Singapores Energy Diplomacy - Essay Example Being an economy with almost no natural resources, the country Singapore is more exposed to the threat of rising energy cost . This threat actually affects the national economy in a huge way. For that reason it is very crucial for the country to take necessary steps so that the energy efficiency is increased. In the month of October, 2002, at the Energy Forum, the Deputy Minister of Trade, Industry and Foreign Affairs of Singapore, Mr. Raymond Lim mentioned that the country would be projecting a three-phase response to combat the energy challenges . The first step, which was proposed by the deputy minister, stated that the industry base of the country should be strengthened by the up gradation and improvement of the oil-refining sector of the country . The first statement also focused on the development of the supporting functions for these oil refineries. The supporting components include promotion of e-business, proper supply-chain and logistic management, a development in the fiel d of information science and promotion of international oil trading. In his second recommendation the deputy minister stressed on the fact that for a country like Singapore, fighting against the energy crisis is important to develop a hub for alternative energy sources . The high-end alternative energy plans, which Mr. Lim proposed, were fuel cell technology and hydrogen economy. These technologies include test-bedding, manufacturing of the system for producing fuel cells and eventually marketing these products.The third and the final proposition focused on the liberalization and the improvement of energy efficiency of the country and also optimizing the usage of the un-renewable energy sources.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Rocky Gognon General Contarctor Essay Example for Free

Rocky Gognon General Contarctor Essay Rocky Gagnon is 50 years old carpenter who wants to make some changes for the way he earns his money. Due to his health condition especially his back, instead of working hard physically, he wants to work with his mind by creating an effective house-building team which includes various type of construction workers. Gagnon wants to continue his life as a general contractor, but as a general contractor he encounters some problems of building a team; therefore he has hired a well-known and respected business professor from the local community to serve as an adviser and mediator. Most of the problems he faces are due to a lack of cohesiveness and cooperation between the contractors which create big problems to form an effective work team. Rocky Gagnon must know the stages of developing a group such as forming, storming, norming and performing. All contractors should work together for one common goal and they should respect to work of each other. It is very important to know that level of respect should come from one individual with the organization. The best solution is Rocky Gagnon as a leader should inform the team of what it takes to establish effective work team. The team must educate on understanding of roles and group norms, common goals, a positive team identity, good working relationship, shared responsibility, respect, positive energy, trust, willingness to cooperate, unity, good communication, pride in membership, and synergy. An effective team and leadership will reduce the problems of the work team. Rocky Gagnon should also know how to build a team. A team has a small number of people with good skills who are committed to a same purpose, set of performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. Work teams, project and development teams, parallel teams, management teams, transnational teams and virtual teams are the example of team types.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Economic thought from ancient societies

Economic thought from ancient societies INTRODUCTION The oriental school of economic thought basically deals with the study of the origin of economic thought from various ancient societies including the Hindu, Hebrew, Indian, Roman, Greek, and Islamic societies. It has been observed that the main area looked into by the Hebrews and Hindus was based on agricultural economics and all this information was drawn from the writing of the pious law givers who were present at the time. These ancient writings consisted of ideas on various economic aspects such as: division of labour, cottage industries, forest and mines, trade and trading practices, concept of wealth, transport, banking and loans, etc. Some of the writers who also played a role in the development of this economic thought include Roman writers such as Cicero, Pliny Gato, Varro and Columella. During this period, and until the industrial revolution, economics was not a separate discipline but part of philosophy. Its evolution into a distinct discipline of study in the social sciences can be attributed greatly to these early writers. Roman law also developed the contract recognizing that planning and commitments over time are necessary for efficient production and trade. This large body of law was unified as the Corpus Juris Civilis in the 530s AD by Justinian, who was Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire. In Ancient India, Chulavamsa records that Parakramabahu of Sri Lanka had debased the currency of Ancient Sri Lanka in order to produce money to support this large scale infrastructure projects. Parakramabahu also pioneered free trade during his reign. Many of the topics discussed during these ancient times are still prevalent in modern economics, including discussions on the management of a solid and efficient economy and the ethics of economics. These ancient thoughts als o focused on issues of welfare, for instance, redistribution of wealth during a famine. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Ancient economic thought is very much wide and its study provides a broad basis for comparison of the ancient approach to economic issues as compared to issues arising in the modern world economies. The large number of ancient thinkers who contributed to this thought differed in beliefs and practices. Also, information on some of these ancient cultural-economic practices is very scanty and thus makes this enquiry into the oriental school of economic thought necessary so as to be able to get a better understanding of the underlying economic issues of both the past and present. JUSTIFICATION With the evolution of economics, many writers have come up with different theories about different areas in the subject. So as to be able to critically assess these different theories and understand the unity which connects us with the ancient times, knowledge on the origin of the early stages of economic thought is necessary for one to be able to take a well informed and unbiased stand on contentious economic issues arising today and hence the need for this study. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY To understand the principles and concepts of the oriental school of economic thought. To know the key contributors of ancient economic thought. To evaluate and criticize how the ancient societies carried out their economic activities. To find out the major contributions of the oriental school of thought to the body of knowledge that exists today. To get a clearer understanding of the position of economics as a distinct member of a group of social sciences. Ancient near East Economic organizations in the earliest civilizations of the Fertile Crescent were driven by the need to efficiently grow crops in the river basins. The Euphrates and Nile Valleys were homes to earliest examples of codified measurements written in base 60 and Egyptian fractions. Keepers of royal granaries and absentee Egyptian land owners reported in the Heganakht Papyri. Historians of this period note that the major tool of accounting for agrarian societies, the sales used to measure grain inventory, reflected dual religious and ethical symbolic meaning. The Erlenmeyer tablets give a picture of Sumerian production in the Euphrates valley around 2, 200 2, 100 B.C., and shows an understanding of the relationship between grain and labour inputs (valued in female labour days) and outputs and an emphasis on efficiency. Egyptians measured work output in man-days. The development of sophisticated economic administration continued in the Euphrates and Nile Valleys during the Babylonian Empi re and Egyptian Empires when trading units spread through the Near East within monetary systems. Egyptian fraction and base 60 monetary units were extended in use and diversity to Greek, early Islamic culture, and medieval cultures. By 1202 A.D, Leonardo Pisa Fibonacci use of zero and Vedic-Islamic numerals motivated Europeans to apply zero as an exponent, birthing modern decimals 350 years later. The city states of Sumer developed a trade market economy based originally on the commodity money of the shekel which was a certain weight measure of barley, while the Babylonians and their city state neighbours later developed the earliest system of economics using a metric of various commodities, which was fixed in a legal code. The early law codes from Sumer could be considered the first (written) economic formula, and had many attributes still in use in the current price system today, such as codified amounts of money for business deals (interest rates), fines in money for wrong doing, inheritance rules, laws concerning how private property is to be taxed or divided, etc. Ancient Greco-Roman world Some prominent classical scholars assert that relevant economic thought was based on metaphysical principles which are incommensurate with contemporary dominant economic theories such as neo-classical economics. However, several ancient Greek and Roman thinkers made various economic observations especially Aristotle and Xenophon. Many other Greek writings show understanding of sophisticated economic concepts. For instance, a form of Greshams law is presented in Aristophanes Frogs, and beyond Platos application of sophisticated mathematical advances influenced by the Pythagoreans in his appreciation of flat money in his Laws: (742 a-b) and in the pseudo-Platonic dialogue, Eryxlas. Bryson of Heraclea was a neo-platonic who is cited as having heavily influenced early Muslim economic scholarship. The influence of Babylonian and Persian thought on Greek administrative economics is present in the work of Greek historian Xenophon. Discussions of economic principles are especially present in his Oeconomicus, his biography of Cyrus the Great, Cyropaedia, Hiero and Ways and Means. Hiero is a minor work which includes discussion of leaders stimulating private production and technology through various means including public recognition and awarding of prizes. Ways and Means is a short treatise on economic development, and showed an understanding of the importance of taking advantage of economies of scale and advocated laws promoting foreign merchants. The Oeconomicus disc uses the administration of agricultural land. In the work, subjective personal value of goods is analyzed and compared with exchange value; Xenophon gives an example of a horse which may be of no use to a person who does not know how to handle it, but still has exchange value. In Cyropaedia, Xenophon presents what in hindsight can be seen as the foundation for a theory of fair exchange in the market which will result in the analysis of better fit or suitability to either party who wants to purchase the same item. Xenophon discusses the concept of division of labour, referencing specialized cooks and workers in a shoe making shop. Marx attributes to Cyropaedia the idea that the division of labour correlates to the size of a market. Roman law developed the contract recognizing that planning and commitments over time are necessary for efficient production and trade. Ancient India Chulavamsa records that Parakramabahu I of Sri Lanka had debased the currency of Ancient Sri Lanka in order to produce monies to support his large scale infrastructure projects. Parakramabahu I also pioneered free trade during his reign, a war was fought with Burma to defend free trade. Chanakya (c. 350 BC 275 BC) considered economic issues. He was a professor of Political Science at the Takshashila University of Ancient India, and later the Prime Minister of the Mauryan Emperor, Chandragupta Maurya. He wrote the Arthashastra (science of material gain). Many of the topics discussed in the Arthashastra are still prevalent in modern economics, including its discussions in the management of an efficient and solid economy. Chanakya also focuses on issues of welfare, for instance, redistribution of wealth during a famine and the collective ethics that hold a society together. The Arthashastra argues for an autocracy managing an efficient or solid economy. The qualities described are in effect that of a command economy. It discusses the ethics of economics and the duties and obligations of a king. Chanakya writes on the economic duties of a king: The king shall be ever active in the management of the economy. The root of wealth is economic activity and lack of it brings material distress. In the absence of fruitful economic activity, both current prosperity and future growth will be destroyed. A king can achieve the desired objectives and abundance of riches by undertaking productive economic activity. Ancient China Ideal and effective economic policy was long sort for in ancient China, one of the greatest early reformers being the Emperor Qin Shi Huang (r. 221 BC 210 BC), who standardized coin currency throughout the old warring states once he unified them under a strong central bureaucracy (which the Zhou dynasty had always lacked). However, one of the greatest reformists in China lived during the medieval Song dynasty (960 1279 AD), that being Chancellor Wang Anshi (1021 1086 AD). Wang Anshis political faction of the New Policies Group enacted a series of reforms that centered on military reform, bureaucratic reform and economic reform. The economic reforms included low cost loans for farmers who he considered the backbone of the Chinese economy in terms of production of goods and the greatest source of the land tax. Replacing the corvee labour service with a tax instead, he enacted government monopolies on crucial industries producing tea, salt, and wine, introduction of local militia to ease the budget spending on the official standing army of one million troops and the establishment of a Finance Planning Commission staffed largely by political loyalists so that his reforms could pass quickly with less time for conservatives to oppose it in court. Medieval Islamic World To some degree, the early Muslims based their economic analyses on the Quran (such as the opposition of riba, interest) and from Sunnah, the sayings and doings of Muhammad. Early Muslim thinkers, Al-Ghazali (1058 1111 A.D.) classified economics as one of the sciences connected with religion, along with metaphysics, ethics and psychology. Authors have noted, however, that this connection has not caused early Muslim economic thought to remain static. Persian philosopher Nasir al-Din-al-Tusi (1201 1274) presents an early definition of economics (what he calls Hekmat-e-madani, the science of city life) in discourse three of his ethics: the study of universal laws governing the public interest welfare: in so far as they are directed, through cooperation, toward the optimal (i.e. perfection). Many scholars trace the history of economic thought through the Muslim world, which was in a Golden Age from the 8th to 13th century and whose philosophy continued the work of the Greek Hellenistic thinkers and came to influence Aquinas when Europe rediscovered Greek philosophy through Arabic translation. A common theme among these scholars was the praise of economic activity and even self-interested accumulation of wealth. The influence of earlier Greek and Hellenistic thought on the Muslim world began largely when Abbasid Caliph al-Mamun, who sponsored the translation of Greek texts into Arabic in the 9th century by Syrian Christians in Baghdad. But already by that time numerous Muslim scholars had written on economic issues, and early Muslim leaders had shown sophisticated attempts to enforce fiscal and monetary financing, use of deficit financing, use of taxes to encourage production, use of credit instruments for banking, including rudimentary savings and checking of accounts, a nd contract law. The origins of capitalism and free markets can be traced back to Caliphate where the first market economy and earliest form of merchant capitalism took root between the 8th and 12th centuries, which some refer to as Islamic capitalism. A vigorous monetary economy was created on the basis of expanding levels of circulation of a stable high-value currency (the dinar) and the integration of monetary areas that were previously independent. Innovative new business techniques and forms of business organizations were introduced by economists, merchants and traders during this time. Such innovations included the earliest trading companies, credit cards, big businesses, contracts, bills of exchange, long distance, international trade, the first forms of partnerships and the earliest forms of credit, debt, profit, loss, capital (al-mal), capital accumulation (nama-al-mal), circulating capital, capital expenditure, revenue, cheques, promissory notes, trusts, startup companies, savings accounts, transactional accounts, pawning, loaning, exchange rates, bankers, money changers, ledgers, deposits, assignments, the double entry bookkeeping system, and lawsuits. MAIN FINDINGS After going through the history of the oriental school of thought in the previous section, the following economic aspects come out clearly as having been discovered and practiced by these early thinkers: The Concept of Production and Technology Ancient leaders stimulated private production and technology through various means including public recognition and awarding of prizes to successful inventors and producers. Economies of Scale Ways and Means was a short treatise on economic development written by Xenophon, which showed an understanding of the importance of taking advantage of economies of scale in production activity and advocated for laws promoting foreign merchants. Administration of Agricultural Land Agriculture was considered the most dignified occupation. In ancient India, the state took a leading part in developing agriculture and also demanded a fixed share of the gross produce. Price system The early law codes from Sumer were the first (written) economic formula, and had many attributes still in use in the current price system today, such as codified amounts of money for business deals (interest rates), fines in money for wrong doing, inheritance rules, laws concerning how private property is to be taxed or divided, etc. Grain and Labour Inputs Relationship The Erlenmeyer tablets gave a picture of Sumerian production in the Euphrates valley around 2, 200 2, 100 B.C., and showed an understanding of the relationship between grain and labour inputs (valued in female labour days) and outputs and an emphasis on efficiency in production. Output of Work The Egyptians measured work output in man-days. Monetary Units The Egyptian fraction and base 60 monetary units were extended in use and diversity to Greek, early Islamic culture, and medieval cultures. By 1202 A.D, Leonardo Pisa Fibonacci use of zero and Vedic-Islamic numerals motivated Europeans to apply zero as an exponent, birthing modern decimals 350 years later and hence the development of monetary units. Value Subjective personal value of goods was analyzed and compared with exchange value. Xenophon gave an example of a horse which may be of no use to a person who does not know how to handle it, but still has exchange value. Theory of Fair Exchange Xenophon presented what in hindsight could be seen as the foundation of a theory of fair exchange in the market which will result in the analysis of better fit or suitability to either party who wants to purchase the same item. Division of Labour Xenophon discussed the concept of division of labour, with reference to specialized cooks and workers in a shoe making shop who specialised in different tasks. Free Trade Parakramabahu I pioneered free trade during his reign, this is evident because a war was fought with Burma to defend free trade in ancient India. Welfare In India the leaders insisted on ensuring that the population as a whole has to be well looked after. For example, Chanakya focused on issues of welfare, for instance, redistribution of wealth during a famine and the collective ethics that held a society together. Standardized Coin Currency Emperor Qin Shi Huang of Ancient China, standardized coin currency throughout the old warring states after he unified them under a strong central bureaucracy. Low Cost Loans For Farmers In Ancient China Wang Anshis political faction of the New Policies Group enacted a series of reforms that centered on military reform, bureaucratic reform and economic reform. The economic reforms included low cost loans for farmers whom he considered to be the backbone of the Chinese economy in terms of production of goods and the greatest source of the land tax. Land Tax This was a source of revenue for the Ancient Chinese government from farmers, because during that period agriculture was the main driver of the economy. Fiscal and Monetary Financing The Muslim leaders enforced various policy measures including fiscal and monetary financing, use of deficit financing, use of taxes to encourage production and use of credit instruments for banking. Banking The early Muslim leaders had shown sophisticated attempts indlucing rudimentary savings and checking accounts, and contract law. Monetary Economy Between the 8th and 12th centuries, which some refer to as the period of Islamic capitalism, a vigorous monetary economy was created on the basis of expanding levels of circulation of a stable high-value currency (the dinar) and the integration of monetary areas that were previously independent of each other. SUGGESTIONS The social organization manifested by the ancient civilizations should be critically looked at and applied to solve some socioeconomic problems still present today, especially in the developing nations. The organization of government and formulation of policies during the ancient times leaves a lot to be admired. Governments of the modern economies should pick some of these values. The concept of politics being looked at separately from economics and policy formulation should be followed in todays modern economies for faster development and equality in the distribution of wealth. Welfare economics should be taken as seriously as it was taken in ancient times. For example, during periods of drought or famine, governments should not let particular groups of people suffer and instead they should distribute the available resources to the entire population. CONCLUSION Theres no question or doubt as to whether ancient economic philosophies are still in extensive use today. The modern economy has evolved over centuries to become what it is today. The study of the history of economic thought enables the student to appreciate the contributions various writers have made to development of economics as a discipline. Although ancient economic theories were sometimes unclear, contradictory, or presented in a rudimentary manner, they form the basis of economic analysis today. These theories are still being used today by the worlds largest and most complicated and sophisticated economies. BIBLIPGRAPHY Falgas, Matthew E.; Zarkadoulia, A. Effie, (2006). Arab Science in the Golden Age (750-1258) and Today. The FASEB Journal 20(10): 1581-1586. Hosseini, S. Hamid (2003). Contributions of Medieval Muslim Scholars to the History of Economic Thought and their Impact: A Refutation of the Schumpeterian Great Gap. S. Lowry (2003). Ancient Medieval Economics. In Biddle, Jeff E.; Davis, Jon B.; Samuels, Warren J.A Companion to the History of Economic Thought. Malden, MA: Blackwell pp. 11-27. Schumpeter, Joseph (1954). History of Economic Analysis. New York, Oxford University Press.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ecommerce :: Essays Papers

Ecommerce The Internet has caught on like wild fire. No one ever intended for it to be so commercially successful. In the beginning, its main purpose was to send and receive messages; no one anticipated that one-day people could buy books and cars over a computer. Though with the advancement of certain technologies, this has happened. E-commerce is a worldwide commodity that has taken the place of trips to the supermarket and has given us the freedom to conduct business at out house in our pajamas. To fully understand what e-commerce is, you must first understand where it came from. It all started with the DOD (Department of Defense) in 1996. After the Cold War the Government wanted a reliable line of communication. If a network link became damaged by enemy attack, the information on it could be rerouted automatically to other links. This was the birth of the Internet. In order to use anything on the Internet, it is required that you learn to operate a separate program, one for the mail, one for news groups, and several different programs for accessing databases. This all changed in 1989. A researcher at CERN (a big European physics laboratory) named Tim Berners-Lee started to work on hypertext. By using hypertext he could link together all the different kinds of information available on the Internet. Berners-Lee called the software pack the World Wide Web. For the World Wide Web to work, each page has it’s own address that the web recognizes using a system called HTTP (Hypertext Transport Protocol). Each page has to be written with a special language called HTML (Hypertext Markup Language). This language tells the computer how to display a page. Now with the invention of the web, Businesses can use pictures to help sell their merchandise online, And now that the Internet is everywhere- in schools, libraries, and even cafes – anyone can order just about anything from anywhere. It is now easier than ever to have and start your own web page; anyone form a big corporation or even the average joe can build his for her own web page. Just like Jeff Bezos, Time magazine’s Person of the Year of 1999. With a loan from the bank, Jeff founded in his garage and helped start e-commerce, as we now know it.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Marketing communication

The brand that is going to be presented to the public is Armani. The marketing tool to be applied is such PR instrument as special event. Special event as a part of PR strategy is usually employed to enhance brand awareness, as well as to strengthen brand loyalty. Special event is also the best tool to draw attention of mass media and in a very gentle not pushing manner make media mention the event in their news blogs, cover stories or journal articles. The actual event is the presentation of new Armani perfume for women. Considering the fact, that the chosen brand is a luxury one, the event organized should maintain the spirit of luxury, comfort, exquisite taste and sophistication. The name of presentation is â€Å"Armani – you and only!† Since the target audience is women from the upper rank of society, the name should emphasize not just the femininity of each particular woman, but also her status, her so-called â€Å"chosenness†, i.e. the fact that she belongs to the circle of â€Å"chosen† best people. The name is important in PR and marketing communication, as it must reflect the main idea of the event; it should be simple but sound. The objectives of the event are: To create a news precedent; To draw media awareness and interest; To enhance brand awareness; To strengthen customer loyalty. The goals of the event are: To tell about new product entering the market under â€Å"Armani brand† – to show its advantages to target audience; To ensure initial try of the product; To get immediate feedback from target customers; To initiate mentioning the brand in media sources. Target audience of the event: celebrities – mostly women; journalists; market experts; company representatives. Planning process. First of all, it is important to find appropriate premises where the event would be held and appropriately equip and design it. The design must be consistent with the general strategy and creed of the presentation, thus it should emphasize the luxury and style of the brand. The location of the premises must be convenient and easy to find. Otherwise, the guest will not simply be able to present there. Moreover, it is also important to understand that all business and celebrity people are very bust. So, they will not spent their time trying to get to some unknown place. Secondly, it is important to make a list of invited guests. Special attention should be given to media representatives. It is crucial to choose TARGET media, which can be possibly interested in covering the event. Thus, for â€Å"Armani perfume† target media are: lifestyle magazines, journals for women, entertainment TV channels, lifestyle TV channels. It is necessary to take care of invitations and ensure that all the invitations are given to guests. Invitations themselves can present a marketing tool if design appropriately. Thus, it is recommended to use the services of first class design-agencies and polygraphists. No mail or e-mail is admissible to distribute invitations. It is preferable that invitations are handled by specially hired people. It will not only ensure that all our guests get their invitations, but also will emphasize the special status of the event. The third important point is providing for the proper announcement of the event. Both media and marketing support apply. First of all, it is important to launch a small preliminary PR campaign of informational character in order to stipulate the interest for future event. In order to provoke media interest, it is necessary to start acting about two months prior to the event implementing information campaign. This campaign should include: the rumors about future fragrance; short articles in press; commentaries of company’s management that somehow slightly touch the theme of the new perfume; Marketing campaign should be the logical continuation of the PR campaign started. Marketing campaign should be based primarily on advertising. It is preferable to use the following types of advertising: advertising in press – the target media sources that were mentioned above (entertainment; lifestyles; for women); billboards and citilights; Outdoor advertising is not recommended, since we deal with a luxury product, we need to choose adequate advertising carriers. However, it is very important to keep in mind, that it is very easy to cross the line and give too much information during this preliminary campaign. It would be a mistake, since all the essential and important the target audience must get visiting the event. Moreover, using heavy advertising it is possibly to provoke substantial interest of customers so that the latter would inquire about the product (having a desire to purchase it) at the point-of-sales and would be disappointed not be able to buy perfume. Thus, it is crucial to mention at the advertisement something like â€Å"Soon to come† or â€Å"In future in your stores†, just letting target customers know that it is not possible to buy the product right now. Announcing the event Three days prior to the event, it is necessary to write and sent to all target media press-release announcing the event. Press-release is a short description of the upcoming event. The obligatory requisites of press-release are: date of the event, place and time of the event, short description, key participants, the date when the release is written and sent, the contact details for journalists’ accreditation. Press-release not just tells about the upcoming event, but it is also used often by the journalists to prepare their materials afterwards. Moreover, press-releases can be posted in some media and informational agencies, what will ensure additional mentioning of the company or brand in media. Press-release should not be too big. It should short but clear. Press-releases are printed on the company’s brand style paper containing logo of the brand. The actual event At the date of the event it is necessary to make journalists’ accreditation writing: the name, contacts, media represented of the journalists present at the event. Provided with such a list, it is easier to track whether the info about the event was published or not. Another important thing to prepare is special press kit to handle to journalists during the event. The typical press-kit should contain: brief info about the company and the brand presented; agenda of the event; short description of the event (based on press-release); detailed description of the product. Press-kits help journalists to prepare their materials for coverage and increase the chances of the event or the brand to be covered in media. Moreover, press-kits can be also a marketing tool. Special leaflets and small booklets with info about the company and the brand should be in easy distribution, so that all visitors can take out such materials. This will ensure additional soundness of the company and brand. Evaluation The final stage of event organization and media support is preparing and sending-out post-release and monitoring media coverage afterwards. The post-release states in the past tense that the event took place and contains the short description of the event. Post-release are sent to all target media as well. The monitoring phase is quite important, since it enables us to evaluate how effective the organization of the event was. The media monitoring shows: how many articles, comments or other materials appeared in media after the event; what emotional character those materials have –positive, negative, neutral; what type media covered the event – magazines, TV, newspapers etc. In general, the effectiveness of the marketing communication of the special event can be based on: the number of visitors; the comments and materials in press; the width of media coverage; the volume of sales short time after the event. In such a way, special event organization should necessarily be supported by appropriate marketing communication that must contain both PR and advertising support. The essential instruments are press- and post-releases, press-kits and other marketing tools (info leaflets), advertising in press, billboards and citilights. An important post event procedure is media monitoring. References 1.   Applbaum K. (2004) â€Å"The Marketing Era† Routledge, New York 2. Brown S. (2000) â€Å"Imagining Marketing: Art, aesthetics and the avant-garde† Routledge, London 3.Cateora P. (1990)†International Marketing†, 7th ed. Irwin, Homewood, IL 4.Drucker P. (1977) â€Å"People and Performance† Harper College Press, NY 5.Eastman S. (2000) â€Å"Research in Media Promotion† Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Mahwah, NJ 6. Goleman D.(1997). â€Å"Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More than IQ† Reprint edition, Bantam, NY   

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Cause of the Civil War essays

Cause of the Civil War essays The Civil War is commonly thought to have been caused by the idea or institution of slavery in the United States. Although slavery did play a part in leading to the Civil War, the true cause of the United States of America being divided into two separate entities was succession. More specifically the succession of the state of South Carolina from the Union. The succession of South Carolina, the catalyst which ignited the conflict of the Civil War, was brought of by two key factors, the southern nationalistic views and the strong leadership among the Cotton Kingdom1 which South Carolina possessed. Ten years prior to the Civil War the south, especially South Carolina, had a strong feeling of southern nationalism. This was of no surprise considering all of the influences and events of the time period, 1850. The historical meeting of the Nashville Convention, November 14, 1850, was of the largest importance dealing with this issue. Cheves launched an attack on Henry Clays Compromise of 1850, saying to the southerners, Unite, and you shall form one of the most splendid empires on which the sun ever shone, of the most homogeneous population...2. Cheves went even further, making a defensive attack on how the south should unite and further declined that the institution of slavery was not wrong or immoral, but in fact was apart of their culture and their society. Chevess speech at the convention was not the only topic that brought together and connected the people of the Palmetto State3 and the rest of the south, but the tariff and nullification episode between 1827 and 1833 also gave the southerners a feeling of nationalism to their part of the country. The tariffs gave the south such a disadvantage to the north that they had no other choice but to band together. Cotton, the souths most lucrative and essential industry, price, ...had fallen from thirty cents a p...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Intel

MGT 487 Group Case Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 External Threats External Opportunities Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Alternate Strategies Choice of Strategies Implementation Executive Summary Intel faces external threats that from their competitors and legal environment. Some of their direct competitors include Advanced Microdevices Inc., Samsung, and Texas Instruments. The outside physical and legal environment is also a threat that Intel has had to contend with throughout their existence. These threats have proven to be significant and must be dealt with in an efficient and tactile manner. The external opportunities that Intel can look to are those of the global markets. Intel is noticing areas in all parts of the global that may prove to be very beneficial. After the global market is examined Intel also realizes that the technological advancements of cellphones and wireless technologies must be tamed. These areas offer a large growth potential for the company. The internal strengths that Intel can rely on are the fact that they are the worlds largest chip manufacturer. Holding the top rank gives Intel a name recognition and familiarity that they can use to their benefit. A large portion of Intel’s success is due to their CEO Andrew S. Grove. Intel’s financial ratios and analysis show that they are increasing their numbers from previous levels. Intel’s large structure also causes one of their major internal weaknesses. Large corporate entities must deal with procedural â€Å"red tape†. Financially Intel is facing a slowing desktop PC market and must adapt accordingly. Internally Intel has had complications of their own causing many delays on their developments. The large span between employees and management has caused some internal weaknesses as well. Overall, Intel has multiple areas of opportunities to grow. They can choose the communications and ... Free Essays on Intel Free Essays on Intel MGT 487 Group Case Table of Contents Executive Summary 1 External Threats External Opportunities Internal Strengths Internal Weaknesses Alternate Strategies Choice of Strategies Implementation Executive Summary Intel faces external threats that from their competitors and legal environment. Some of their direct competitors include Advanced Microdevices Inc., Samsung, and Texas Instruments. The outside physical and legal environment is also a threat that Intel has had to contend with throughout their existence. These threats have proven to be significant and must be dealt with in an efficient and tactile manner. The external opportunities that Intel can look to are those of the global markets. Intel is noticing areas in all parts of the global that may prove to be very beneficial. After the global market is examined Intel also realizes that the technological advancements of cellphones and wireless technologies must be tamed. These areas offer a large growth potential for the company. The internal strengths that Intel can rely on are the fact that they are the worlds largest chip manufacturer. Holding the top rank gives Intel a name recognition and familiarity that they can use to their benefit. A large portion of Intel’s success is due to their CEO Andrew S. Grove. Intel’s financial ratios and analysis show that they are increasing their numbers from previous levels. Intel’s large structure also causes one of their major internal weaknesses. Large corporate entities must deal with procedural â€Å"red tape†. Financially Intel is facing a slowing desktop PC market and must adapt accordingly. Internally Intel has had complications of their own causing many delays on their developments. The large span between employees and management has caused some internal weaknesses as well. Overall, Intel has multiple areas of opportunities to grow. They can choose the communications and ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia Kyoung

Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia Kyoung Kyoung-hwa, Yonnie. â€Å"The landscape of keitai shà ´setsu: Mobile phones as a literary medium among Japanese youth, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26.3 (2012): 475-485.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia: Kyoung-hwa specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The author notes that the use of mobile phones in sending message is in the increase in the current Japanese society. Apart from the use of mobile phones and the media in relaying information, some other channels are used including literary communication and oral conversation. The author underscores the fact that the use of mobile phones in transmitting messages in the Japanese society is in the increase. In order to understand the persistent use of phones as a literary medium in Japan, the author compared the new trend with the influence of the popular novel in society. He uses the term keitai shoˆsetsu, which means mobile novel. The trend is gaining much popularity among young Japanese women (Kyoung-hwa 477). The author understands the behavior of women regarding the use of mobile novels from a cultural perspective meaning that it is a culture of Japanese women to associate themselves with the mobile novels. The author describes the views of various readers and writers regarding the culture of Japanese women, which is related to mobile novel. The author utilizes some ethnographic reports and other materials to understand mobile novel phenomenon in detail. For instance, a social discourse is one of the additional factors that the author uses in comprehending the behavior of young Japanese women regarding mobile novel trend. Some factors, such as the factors related to the industry, are some of the features that influence the behavior of Japanese women in relation to mobile novel phenomenon. The mobile media influences the behavior of individuals in society in a number of ways. For instance, it influences the lifestyles of individuals and their socialization processes. In the long-run, an individual adopts a different culture, which grows with time into something complex. The culture is adopted by a number of individuals in society to an extent of becoming a normal way of life. In other words, the author suggests that the mobile technology has been able to translate and modify the culture of Japanese youngsters.Advertising Looking for critical writing on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The author is able to support his arguments through the use of ethnographic reports. The author came up with three major questions that assisted him in confirming the hypothesis. In the first question, his main concern was establishing the relationship between keitai and the fictitious practice referred to as ‘doing keitai shoˆsetsu. The second question aimed at capturing th e manner in which keitai shoˆsetsu consumers essentially integrate keitai into their customary activities such as texting, reading, and sharing remarks. The third question was very important because it sought to find out the meaning that people attach to keitai shoˆsetsu. Through the questions, the author collected enough information that helped him in concluding that a strong relationship between mobile novel and the culture of young Japanese women exists. The author is very consistent meaning that he does not contradict any of his arguments. The arguments are valid because they are supported by critical sources and evidence. It is noted that the author fails to mention some of the effects of mobile phones on the socialization and behavior of users. Phones have certain effects, which are social in nature meaning that they should be used with care. The use of the phone is addictive because an individual is influenced negatively to suspend the use of other channels of communi cation. Even though he notes that phone users are forced to spend heavily on phone accessories, he does not mention the fact that operating the phone is expensive for youngster. Moreover, the concentration of the phone user is always distracted because he or she does not have time to concentrate on other things. The article contributes to the existing body of knowledge that is related to mobile phones in a number of ways. First, it states clearly that mobile phone usage leads to the development of a certain culture among the users. The users develop the culture and they pass it to other members of society through the process of socialization. This is actually the effect of most technologies because they change the world view of the user. However, the article does not address the issue of resistance because no technology will ever penetrate society without meeting some resistance. Mobile phone technology has always been viewed with contempt because it brings about other social crimes . In other words, the author does not talk about the negative effects of mobile phones among the young Japanese females.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Media Popular Culture in East and South East Asia: Kyoung-hwa specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Hjorth, Larissa, and Kay, Gu. â€Å"The place of emplaced visualities: A case study of Smartphone visuality and location-based social media in Shanghai, China, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26(5) (2012): 699-713. The authors observe that the modern society is witnessing various forms of visual technologies, especially with the growth of camera phones. The new phones have various features such as micro blogging and the location-based services, which have facilitated image distribution among individuals. Through location-based services such as Facebook, people are able to generate contexts for the overlay between place, ambient images, an d striking localities. The new technology is reshaping the way people communicate. There are flourishing dialectic visual images, which replicate the notion of place, social, and uniqueness practices. The authors note further that sharing, storing, and saving of information play a critical role in information technology. The Smartphone enables the new forms of information distribution such as hipstamatic (Hjorth and Kay, 700). An advanced Smartphone, such as android-based, has influenced the lives of many youths in different ways. The emergence of new technology, such as micro blogging, has enabled users to apply the technology successfully with the Smartphone. It is claimed that the Chinese public has been able to voice its views and opinions through the new technology. The idea of media participation is now perceived differently since the emergence of the new technology. This shows that the society has grown in terms of technology. The authors suggest that the Chinese culture is v ery different, but it is consistent with the new technology. In other societies, such as those of the west, lurking is considered non-participation. However, it is a valid participation technique in the Chinese culture. The arguments of the authors are based on the idea that modern technology has transformed the way people relay information. The authors support their arguments by claiming that the social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, offer people with specific skills that can easily affect the way in which people pass information in organizations and social life. For instance, Facebook offers a micro-blogging UX. This facilitates the redistribution of information, asking of questions and finding knowledge. Information distribution does not follow any standardized structure in the cloud computing technology. Micro-blogging is a form of technology used in cloud computing, which utilizes the services of CRM. Through CRM technology, an individual or a company can pass updates to other individuals regarding unusual events and actions. The following chart shows cloud computing layers.Advertising Looking for critical writing on asian? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The findings of the two authors fail appreciate the fact that cloud computer exploit customers. This is because customers boost the sales of the company yet they are not paid. For instance, each person is expected to create his Facebook, Twitter, and Google accounts without the help of the company. This amounts to exploitation because it would be expected that the company open an account for each customer. Companies have free access to labor because customers are employees who are not paid. However, it is surprising to note that customers are always inconvenienced because they lack privacy. When opening a Facebook account, a customer is supposed to disclose pertinent information, such as age, sex, occupation, and academic qualifications. The article contributes to the existing body of knowledge since it states that cloud technology is different because it uses information from computers as a collective virtual computer. This means that all applications have the capacity of running i ndependently, without relying on servers or server configurations. In other words, cloud technology allows information to float around freely. This implies that the hardware is not important when applying the cloud technology. Many youths are able to communicate freely without necessarily having to acquire the hardware. This has strengthened the way people communicate in society. Hjorth, Larissa, and Kay, Gu. â€Å"The place of emplaced visualities: A case study of Smartphone visuality and location-based social media in Shanghai, China, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26(5) (2012): 699-713. Kyoung-hwa, Yonnie. â€Å"The landscape of keitai shà ´setsu: Mobile phones as a literary medium among Japanese youth, Continuum.† Journal of Media Cultural Studies, 26.3 (2012): 475-485.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Roman Catholic Communion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Roman Catholic Communion - Essay Example Hence, when it comes to rituals, Communion tends to be an important ritual in the Roman Catholic religion. Communion in the Roman Catholic religion not only extends a sense of belonging to the Roman Catholics around the world, but also helps them stay connected with the essential beliefs and values associated with their religion. In the Roman Catholic Church, communion tends to be the source and centre of the Roman Catholic religion. Communion tends to be the high point of any Roman Catholic mass. In the Roman Catholic Church, communion happens to be an important sacrament. It is a way and means to reach Jesus. The Ritual of Communion The communion in the Roman Catholic Church begins with an opening prayer. The clergy conducting the mass makes a sign of cross and says the opening prayer. The clergy formally welcomes the believers attending the mass and offers prayers for the well being of the parish and the community. After the opening prayer, the clergy starts the reading of the scr ipture. It does need to be mentioned that the reading of the scripture in a Catholic communion is not random or haphazard, but rather it follows a liturgical calendar. The Catholic Church has prescribed the readings for each and every day of the year. This practice of affiliating to the same reading on a particular day at the Catholic Churches placed all across the world, lends a sense of community and camaraderie to the people following the Catholic religion. The reading of the scripture is followed by the Lord’s Prayer. Once the Lord’s Prayer is said then begins the sacrament of communion. The priest offers to the believers gathered in the Church for the mass, the bead dipped in wine, which at a symbolic level is taken to be the blood and body of Jesus, offered to the believers so that it could atone for the sins committed by them (O’Collins & Farrugia 250). It does need to be mentioned that communion tends to be the most important aspect of a Catholic mass. T he Roman Catholic religion preaches that receiving communion is a must for the attainment of salvation. The other important belief associated with the Roman Catholic communion is that only a priest, who has been ordained in the apostolic succession, could manifest through Jesus Christ the imminent miracle of Transubstantiation, thereby changing the ordinary bread and wine into the blood and body of the Christ. Meaning and Significance of Communion It does need to be noticed that Communion or Eucharist commands a central place in the Roman Catholic form of worship. Baptism and Communion are the two sacraments that have been clearly mentioned in the Bible. It is held that the practice of Communion was actually started by Jesus Christ, and this ritual is clearly recorded in the Gospels. It was Jesus Christ who initiated the practice of the Last Supper where he offered bread to His disciples, telling them that it is His body, and then made them drink a little wine, saying it to be His b lood. Jesus told his followers to repeat this ceremony and the Catholic Christians have been practising this ritual right from the days of early Christians. The ritual of Communion owes its spiritual moorings to the sacraments relation to the actual sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. In the New Testament one many a times come across Jesus addressing himself as a sacrifice, thereby pointing towards his imminent sacrifice on

Friday, October 18, 2019

The US Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy Essay

The US Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy - Essay Example Our relations with Iran and North Korea are at center stage. Our plan for the war in Iraq and an international consensus may be vital to our success there. Almost every issue from banking to human rights requires some degree of foreign policy expertise. While McCain's years as a Senator qualifies him as the most experienced candidate, what Obama lacks in experience he makes up for in expertise. In today's world, Obama's plans and approaches to foreign policy are a better fit with the international community and the growing globalization. One of the critical differences is in the approach and style that the men bring to the table. While McCain's years of experience have given him significant exposure to foreign events and crisis, many of his methods arise from his experiences and are anchored in the past. For example, his comment during the debate of 'walk softly and carry a big stick' may have been effective in dealing with the 20th century banana republics, but is not relevant to 21st century Iran. In addition, he has recently contended that Iran's Ahmadinejad was responsible for their nuclear policy when in fact it is the Ayatollah Kahmenei and Iran's National Security Council. When questioned he simply replied, "any average American thought of Ahmadinejad as the Iranian leader, and so he would, too" (Frick). However, we would not expect the average American to run our foreign policy. While Obama may lack the direct experience, he has a lifetime of studied thought and a personal interest in foreign affairs that gi ves him a historical perspective and an expertise that McCain lacks. This ability to think and examine is shown by the candidates' difference in their approach to Iran. McCain steadfastly argues that we should never negotiate with terrorists and refuses to talk to the Iranians. This approach is a continuation of the Bush policy that has been responsible for the election of the extremist government in Iran. While Iran is a rather moderate and modern country, they have elected a hard line government in response to the Bush right wing rhetoric of the early 2000s. However, Obama contends that we should be talking to the Iranians. Note that Obama understands the difference between negotiating and talking, which offers no guarantees, makes no promises, and has no pre-conditions (Fang). While we may come away from the table with nothing, it may thaw out an icy relationship and create a first step to a diplomatic process. Here again, Obama favors the reasonable avenue of diplomacy with war as a last resort, while McCain favors the pre-emptive strike policies (a reckless and dangerous approach) that have been pursued by the current administration. These same shortsighted policies will be pursued by McCain in North Korea, while Obama will favor constructive diplomacy to defuse the situation. The most immediate foreign policy dilemma that will face the next president will be the plan for Iraq. The critical difference between the candidates is their steadiness and commitment to a goal. Obama has supported a phased withdrawal with a timetable to extract the US presence in Iraq since the war began. McCain had been adamantly opposed to a timetable arguing that it would simply motivate the enemy to wait for our exit. Meckler reports that, "After months of ridiculing opponents who want to set a timetable for withdrawal in Iraq, today John

Governmental Reinvention and Privatization Essay

Governmental Reinvention and Privatization - Essay Example It begins with a description of the publications that most often have been associated with the reinvention movement. The primary purpose of the paper, however, is to review reinvention's assumptions, themes, and purposes. It concludes by presenting critical views of REGO's approach and some assumptions toward human resource reforming. For decades the civil service, also known as the merit system, has been accused of being too narrowly focused on protecting government employees from political or personal favoritism. It also has been criticized for not adequately supporting managerial objectives and organizational missions. These kinds of complaints constitute the motivating force behind reinventing government (REGO), which one notable scholar called the most energetic and robust reform movement in the past half-century (Light, 1994, 63). Human resources constitute the most influential of all factors that bear on the quality of an organization's products and services. If employees are not well trained, focused, and committed, then high quality organizational performance is not likely to materialize. This is the basic reasoning that underpins organizational concern for how human resources are managed. It is a logic that applies to both the private and public sectors. REGO claims that the traditional public sector em ployment principles of fitness and merit can coexist with increased managerial discretion and greater employee independence. It also contends that flexibility and innovation can be combined with a system that demands high levels of accountability and equity. (Thompson and Riccucci, 1998) The reinvention critique extends to most areas of government, in addition to targeting many of its recommendations at the civil service. Reinventing Government Reports Management reform is not new to the federal government. At least one major reform initiative has been undertaken every decade of the twentieth century. As Shafritz et al. (2001) report, they "all began with an assumption that government . . . was broken, fragmented, badly organized, and incapable of performing at a level acceptable to the public" (p. 61). The 1980s and 1990s were times during which an extraordinary amount of government reform activity took place (Peters, 1996, p. vii). One scholar of public sector change says the period reflected the greatest pressure ever placed on the U.S. government to innovate (Light 1994, p. 63). The reform movement is not just a United States phenomenon. The National Academy of Public Administration claims that "government performance and accountability is an issue throughout the world" (1995, p. 61). In announcing the creation of the National Performance Review, President Clinton stated that one of its principal goals was "to change the culture of our national bureaucracy away from complacency and entitlement toward initiative and empowerment" (National Performance Review, 1993, p. 1). This may be as succinct a summary of reinvention as

HRM individual assignment performance management Essay

HRM individual assignment performance management - Essay Example "Corporate Services/Corporate Capability service"- provides solutions such as management of records, facilitation management, carry out the work procedures and policies documentation, develops plans for purchasing and procurement. "Human Resources service"- handles the matters like fraud, grievances and misconduct handling, job designing and evaluating. They take into account Performance management, provide psychometric assessment and sets remuneration benchmarking. It also includes providing a complete strategic human resource management and planning. "Organisational Services"- assist in reviewing the business process, changing the management and bringing the organisational change. Thus they provide a complete solution for business and strategic planning. This service also covers risk management. Recruitment & Selection- the company maintains high standards for recruitment and selection process. They go for different screening technique such as personality test, intelligent quiescent, emotional quiescent, stress test, health test and checking the references. These entire tests are being done to check before hand that will the work force be able to take the work load. Training- the employees who are selected has to be trained so that they can develop the required skill for performing their job. Training is a continuous process. It should be provided as and when required for development of employees. Setting rules and regulation- rules and regulation provide the frame work within which the whole organization has to work. The performance of employee is appraised by comparing against these standards. They make the organization work smoothly and efficiently. Performance appraisal- the performance of the employees has to be appraised. This helps the organization to identify the employees who are performing above average and also helps to identify those employees whose performances are below average level. The management can drill down to find out the reasons behind. If required training and further assistance can be arranged. Career development - management should set the career path and provide proper training as and when required Grievance handling- it is the duty of organization that employee should feel satisfied with their job. They should have the feeling that organization cares for them and if any injustice happens they can easily approach the management and their problem will be solved. Compensation- the management should take care that each employee should be paid as per his/her performance. The

Thursday, October 17, 2019

"Faith" Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

"Faith" - Essay Example I believe that Prophet Mohammad was a true messenger of Allah; I believe that prophet Mohammad was the final and the last prophet of Allah. The main reason why I believe that Prophet Mohammad was the final prophet of Allah was because Allah revealed to Mohammad the truth about himself; Mohammad was the messenger of Allah. I also believe in Quran as the holy book of Allah; I believe that Quran contains the messages of Allah as revealed to Allah’s prophet, Mohammad; I believe that Allah revealed his eternal message to Mohammad in its definitive form. The main reason why I believe that Quran contains the messages of Allah is because Allah himself gave the Quran to his prophet Mohammad. Besides Mohammad, I also believe in other prophets of Allah. As the Quran says, God sends his messengers in every human age to reveal to his people his will for them, â€Å"To all peoples and in all ages, God sent prophets or messengers to proclaim the Oneness of God and to warn humanity of the future judgment (Quran 10:47; 16:36)†. For that reason, I believe in Allah’s prophets such as Abraham, Noah, Moses, Elijah, Isaac, Joseph, Aaron, Solomon, Ezra, and Isa. I, however, believe that Mohammad was the greatest and the last prophet o Allah. I also do believe in angels messengers of Allah. I believe that Allah sends angels to his people on earth to reveal to them the messages of Allah. For example, Allah sent angel Gabriel, several times, to Prophet Mohammad to reveal to him the messages of Allah. I also believe that angels act as intermediaries and that they ask Allah to forgive the offences of his people (Quran 40:7). Also, I believe that when human beings die, their soul are received by angels who have kept a record of their actions, and the angels will witness for or against them on the day of judgement as the Quran notes (Quran 21: 203, 13: 24). My beliefs in angels are based on what is written in the Quran about angels. I also believe in the last day of

M.BH.Q Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

M.BH.Q - Assignment Example Everything about him verbal or non-verbal keeps the audience attentive throughout the whole talk. McGonigal is not an attention grabber. This is evident from her less delightful and inspiring introduction to her not so creative visual aids throughout the presentation. The fact that her voice is flat without any intonation even when she is making an important point or an emphasis shows her weakness as a motivational speaker. Her voice volume is low even with the microphone and one has to add the volume to hear what she is saying clearly. She has no facial expression similar to her flat voice and humor is also non- existent. She has constant hand movement and gestures which is distracting. Her lack of pace in the talk makes it even more boring and so is her lack of stage movement. She also seems not confident with her presentation or her ability to present which is not a good thing to exhibit to the audience throughout the talk show. He is one great speaker and definitely an attention grabber with his loud voice and eye contact which he keeps trained on his audience at all times. He keeps asking the audience to finish up his sentences and hence keeps them well engaged and involved throughout the whole talk. Lipkin is also well endowed with humor as the whole session the audience keeps on laughing on his jokes and sometimes he even laughs with them hence leaving time to catch breath and people to absorb what he is talking about. He has different intonations to insist on words he want people to focus on and his facial expression indicates he is enjoying giving the talk as much as his audience is receiving. Robinson is very engaging to the crowd and he catches their attention through his constant questions and need for them to finish up his sentences for him. His humor makes up for his lack of stage movement. His lack of constant had movement and gestures apart from wen

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

HRM individual assignment performance management Essay

HRM individual assignment performance management - Essay Example "Corporate Services/Corporate Capability service"- provides solutions such as management of records, facilitation management, carry out the work procedures and policies documentation, develops plans for purchasing and procurement. "Human Resources service"- handles the matters like fraud, grievances and misconduct handling, job designing and evaluating. They take into account Performance management, provide psychometric assessment and sets remuneration benchmarking. It also includes providing a complete strategic human resource management and planning. "Organisational Services"- assist in reviewing the business process, changing the management and bringing the organisational change. Thus they provide a complete solution for business and strategic planning. This service also covers risk management. Recruitment & Selection- the company maintains high standards for recruitment and selection process. They go for different screening technique such as personality test, intelligent quiescent, emotional quiescent, stress test, health test and checking the references. These entire tests are being done to check before hand that will the work force be able to take the work load. Training- the employees who are selected has to be trained so that they can develop the required skill for performing their job. Training is a continuous process. It should be provided as and when required for development of employees. Setting rules and regulation- rules and regulation provide the frame work within which the whole organization has to work. The performance of employee is appraised by comparing against these standards. They make the organization work smoothly and efficiently. Performance appraisal- the performance of the employees has to be appraised. This helps the organization to identify the employees who are performing above average and also helps to identify those employees whose performances are below average level. The management can drill down to find out the reasons behind. If required training and further assistance can be arranged. Career development - management should set the career path and provide proper training as and when required Grievance handling- it is the duty of organization that employee should feel satisfied with their job. They should have the feeling that organization cares for them and if any injustice happens they can easily approach the management and their problem will be solved. Compensation- the management should take care that each employee should be paid as per his/her performance. The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

M.BH.Q Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

M.BH.Q - Assignment Example Everything about him verbal or non-verbal keeps the audience attentive throughout the whole talk. McGonigal is not an attention grabber. This is evident from her less delightful and inspiring introduction to her not so creative visual aids throughout the presentation. The fact that her voice is flat without any intonation even when she is making an important point or an emphasis shows her weakness as a motivational speaker. Her voice volume is low even with the microphone and one has to add the volume to hear what she is saying clearly. She has no facial expression similar to her flat voice and humor is also non- existent. She has constant hand movement and gestures which is distracting. Her lack of pace in the talk makes it even more boring and so is her lack of stage movement. She also seems not confident with her presentation or her ability to present which is not a good thing to exhibit to the audience throughout the talk show. He is one great speaker and definitely an attention grabber with his loud voice and eye contact which he keeps trained on his audience at all times. He keeps asking the audience to finish up his sentences and hence keeps them well engaged and involved throughout the whole talk. Lipkin is also well endowed with humor as the whole session the audience keeps on laughing on his jokes and sometimes he even laughs with them hence leaving time to catch breath and people to absorb what he is talking about. He has different intonations to insist on words he want people to focus on and his facial expression indicates he is enjoying giving the talk as much as his audience is receiving. Robinson is very engaging to the crowd and he catches their attention through his constant questions and need for them to finish up his sentences for him. His humor makes up for his lack of stage movement. His lack of constant had movement and gestures apart from wen

Attachment theory Essay Example for Free

Attachment theory Essay Attachment is an important factor in a childs life. It makes them feel safe and secure.  The infants tendency to seek the closeness to particular people and to feel more secure in their presence. (Erikson 1976)  I think that when Erikson made this statement, what he was actually saying was that an attachment is when a child is more comfortable in a setting if they are with the people they are closest to and the people that they like to be with and seek attention of these people more than others. Attachment is like a piece of invisible string that binds individuals in a way that allows a healthy development (psychology for AS level).  This statement in my opinion states that an attachment which forms a bond between the people involved is important for good development for the child.  What happens if there isnt a bond or an attachment in the childs life? I am going to look into three different psychologists theories on attachment and see what their opinions on the subject are. The first psychologist I am looking into is Bowlby. Bowlby had very strong opinions on attachment and the long term affects a lack of a bond or attachment can have on a childs life. Bowlby believed that a child should form one and only one strong attachment which should be with the mother of the child. This is known as monotrophy. The father in Bowlbys eyes was there for the making of the baby only and would show no input or importance in the childs upbringing. Bowlby came to the conclusion that children who failed to form this bond with their mother in the first three years of the childs life would have problems in later life bonding with people and trusting people. He also described a child with a lack of bonding to be an affectionless psychopath, which he described to be someone who shows lack of guilt when done something wrong has difficulties showing emotion to things around them or someone with behaviour problems. Another affect of not having an attachment in this critical period as it was also known in Bowlbys eyes was development retardation which meant the child may grow up with learning difficulties or slower intellectual skills. The next psychologist I am going to discuss is Mary Ainsworth. Ainsworth investigated bonding and broke it down into different sections. She broke it down it to three different types of attachment. These were secure attachments, anxious avoidant attachments and anxious resistant attachments.  Secure attachments were described as the strongest of the three. This is where the children know they are loved and cared for and they feel secure with the person they have bonded to. When they are left without their attachment figure for the first time they will show lots of distress and upset. However after time they will get used to being left and they will not be as distressed as time gos on. Anxious avoidant attachment is not as strong as the secure attachment and the bond it weaker. These children seem more independent and can manage small tasks on their own. This may be due to a change in the attachment figures attitude or behaviour towards the child which may be caused by death or separation from a partner. This can also be caused by separation from child and attachment figure due to illness or separation at birth. This attachment is usually weaker because of the lack of full trust from either party.  Anxious resistant attachment is similar to anxious avoidant attachment but the child often is more clingy and seeks more attention to people as well as the attachment figure but when people tries to comfort them they will often not accept the comfort. The last psychologists I am going to look at are Shaffer and Emerson. Shaffer and Emersons theory is the one Ainsworth used to conclude her investigations. They looked more at children with multiple attachments which contradicts Bowlbys theory which said only one strong attachment can be made. They broke their findings down in to four sections. These sections are Asocial stage which is children of 0-2, the indiscriminate stage, children of 2-7 months, specific stage which is children of 7 months plus and then finally multiple attachment. Asocial stage is described to be where the children aged 0-2 months will respond to human faces but will not show any main distress towards whom it is they are with. This means that if you placed a 0-2 month baby in a day care setting then they will not really kick much of a fuss when their mother leaves them they will usually be happy and content as long as they are getting some attention. On my placement while I was working in the 0-2 room the youngest child there at the time was only 6 weeks old she would come to nursery with no hassle every day after her nap she would sometimes cry a little bit until she got some attention. She was happy when her mum came to get her but she didnt cry for her when she wasnt there. Where as one of the oldest children who was nearly 18 months used to cry for her mum nearly all day, she only seemed happy when she was eating. The indiscriminate stage is for children from 2 month up until 7 month. These children are more aware of what is happening and they know who they prefer to spend time with usually in most cases it is the main care giver, but they will still be ok and not too worried around strangers and unknown faces.  The specific stage is where one strong attachment is clear and the child becomes very weary and anxious around unknown people. This is usually why when a child over 7 months is brought into a child care setting, they take a while to settle and cry for their carer. Multiple attachments are where the child is close to or has an attachment with more than one person. This is often when they spend a lot of time with these people as well as their care givers. These people can include grand parents, extended family, neighbours and realistically people who they spend a lot of time with and they feel safe around.  As some of the theorists mentioned above said they would be distress when a child was left or was separated from their attachment figure its is important that children get used to a setting before being brought and left alone. In some child care setting they hold visits for the children where they can come with their attachment figure and see the setting and play with the other children to see what it is like and to get to know the care workers faces first. In my placement they do this over a period of 6 visits(longer if child is very unsettled) to avoid too much stress and upset for the new children coming to nursery each time a visit takes place the attachment figure will stay a little bit less than the time before leaving the child with the other children and care givers. This way they feel that the child gets used to not having their mother there all the time and also gets to know the other people in the setting and environment.  Another way the children help settle in the nurseries or child care setting is they are allowed to bring with them a transitional object with them to comfort them when they get upset. One child in my placement had a pink cushion which she has all the time when she is upset. When she settles down she often puts it down a leaves it on the floor, at this point the care worker picks it up discreetly and puts it in her box. They do this because they feel if she is playing nice and contently then she sees the cushion she will pick it up and carry it round again where as if it is out of the way the child will hopefully play for a longer amount of time. The child gets it back if she asks for it or if she becomes distressed on upset in anyway. In my placement to avoid too much stress and upset for the new children coming to nursery, they have an induction period. This is where the child will come in to the nursery with their parent to have a look around, meet the staff and the other children in the setting. The child gets to play with the toys and will start to get used to the setting so when its time for their parent to leave then it wont be so distressing. When a child is in the setting some of the parents come and visit the child during lunch time or if they get a break at work. This was good for some children as it reassured the children that their parents were coming back for them and they hadnt just left them forever. For some children however this was not beneficial and the situation was more distressing for them having to say bye to their carer all over again.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Are Criminals Born Or Made At Birth Criminology Essay

Are Criminals Born Or Made At Birth Criminology Essay What causes or contributes to criminal behaviour within an individual is very difficult to explain because there are many different theories around this issue. Some scientist such as Cesare Lombroso which begun Scientific Criminology believed that individuals are biologically predisposed to criminal behaviour (Male Crime and Deviance pg.5).Later others followed such as Ernest Hooten and William Sheldon which differentiated criminals from non criminals from certain feature such as mixed coloured eyes or reddish hair.( Male Crime and Deviance pg.6). Although these theories where discredited because of prejudices and methodological weakness it led the way to other forms of theories such as the heredity -Genetic theory , the XYY Chromosome theory, and brain and neurological dysfunction theories . Other researchers do not believe that criminal behaviour is derived biologically, they believe that things like a persons cultural surrounds, their genes and their environment predisposes them t o criminal behaviour. As a result criminals, these researchers strive to prove that individuals are a product of their environment and surroundings. Therefore the main purpose of this essay is to draw from certain theories to assist in explaining the fact that individuals are biologically predisposed to criminal behaviour. The thought that individuals were born criminals originated in nineteenth century Italy, with Italian physician Cesare Lombrosos book entitled LUomo Delinquente. Throughout his book he discussed scientific criminology which was influenced by Charles Darwins theory of evolution (Male Crime and Deviance pg.5). Lombroso proposed that some people were biologically predisposed to criminal behaviour or born to commit crime, he also believed that criminals were products of atavism or biological throwbacks to earlier genetic forms (Male Crime and Deviance pg.5). Concept of Atavism Lombrosos general theory suggested that criminals are distinguished from noncriminals by multiple physical anomalies (CBS Interactive Inc 2010).For his examination he used Italian prisoners and army personnel. He advanced that criminals and noncriminal could be differentiated by physical stigmata-such as large lips, flat nose, and certain shapes of the skull-as well as such preferences as tattoos or involvement in orgies (Male Crime and Deviance pg 6). Although his theory was later rejected it led to different physicians such as Ernest Hooten who began to expand on Lombrosos scientific criminology theory. He attempted to explain male criminality by using body type theories in his 1939 book entitled Crime and the Man. Which explained that criminals could be indentified by mixed eye colour, reddish hair also that tall heavy men were most likely murders (Male Crime and Deviance pg.6)? William Sheldon soon followed in 1940 when he systematically showed a correlation between body type and juvenile delinquency (Male Crime and Deviance pg. 6). He describes three body types which were endomorphics, ectomorphics and mesomorphics, which each related to a certain personality or temperance trait. Mesomorphics were characterized as muscular, hard, assertive, aggressive, and active. These types were believed to be the most likely to participate in crime (Male Crime and Deviance pg. 6). Although all of thes e theories were later rejected because of methodological weaknesses they opened the door to many other theories regarding biological criminality Theories such as the heredity -Genetic Theory, the XYY Chromosome theory and also Hyperactivity and Antisocial behaviour theory support the fact that individuals are biologically predisposed to crime. They also differentiate from past theories because they are scientifically based rather than bias and racist. For example the heredity genetic theory supported by biological theorists such as Richard Dugdale and Henry Goddard explain that male crime and abnormal behaviour are due to the genetic transmissions of certain mental or physical characteristics from generation to generation (Male Crime and Deviance pg.6). While other researchers found that certain biological characteristics such as low birth weight and other prenatal problems predispose some children to delinquency and criminality. Therefore making it clear in this theory that some i ndividuals have certain biological characteristic that make them immune to criminal behaviour. The XXY chromosome theory is different from the heredity -Genetic theory, but it also supports the fact that criminals are born and not made. Researchers have discovered a genetic abnormality in some males, where as the normal chromosome count for a male is XY some males had an extra Y (XYY) which was found to be associated with aggressive and violent behaviour (Male Crime and Deviance pg. 9) Among many other theories there is also the brain and neurological dysfunction and their effects in behaviour. Some research has found abnormal electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings of brain activity in criminals and delinquents, associating it with violent and aggressive behaviour, destructiveness, limited impulse control, and weak social adaptations. (Male Crime and Deviance pg.11)Also persons diagnosed with ADHD have been found to be at risk for a number of deviances and abnormal conditions including delinquency, criminality, feelings of worthlessness, psychiatric morbidity, unemployment, fam ily dysfunction, and suicide (Male Crime and Deviance pg. 11).Among many other theories these help explain alternative roots of the problem involving criminals. While there are many theories that support the fact that individuals are born into criminal behaviour, others do not believe that this is a valid answer .Therefore contribute criminal behaviour to other factors such as sociological, genetics and biological theories. In terms of sociological theories there are many different theories, for example the social reaction theory which is also known as the Labelling Theory conducted by Howard S. Becker in 1963. It explained that when a person commits a crime they will receive the label of a criminal, and when a person is labelled as such by society they are likely to accept this label as part of them. Now that the person now thinks of themselves as a criminal they will continue their criminal behaviour (Zomba Inc 2010). Although this theory is a very good theory, it does not really hold up because unlike biological theories which discuss the root of the problem this theory does not . Reason being that the theory neglects the process of becom ing defiant in the first place, the act of primary defiance. It does not do a good job at describing the primary part of deviancy such as murder, which is often a primary example of classic defiance (Arasite 2010). Among many of those theories there is also the differential association theory which was supported by most criminologist and socialist, this theory states that crime like crime like other kinds of behaviour, is learned. The theory points out the general conditions under which there are likely to be more than less criminal behaviour learned and thus a greater likelihood that the person will acquire a set of definitions that are more favourable to criminal activities than noncriminal ones. Furthermore, the theory states that criminality is a social rather than antisocial activity (Male Crime and Deviance pg.27). Although this is an excellent theory which tried to explain criminal behaviour there are many shortcomings, one is its inability to be validated through empirical testing because of a lack of clarity in its definitions and terminology. Also it failed to explain the origin of crime and delinquency or outline the nature of the learning process Male Crime and Deviance pg.27). While some theorists focus on sociological theories to explain crime and criminals other focus on the genetics revolving around this issue. One example of this is the Testosterone and Male Offending theory. Much of the research has found a positive correlation between high levels of testosterone, male violence, and aggressive behaviour. Early studies focused on testosterone in prisoners. L. E. Kreuz and R. M. Rose found that levels of testosterone were significantly higher in offenders with a history of violent behaviour than offenders whose histories were nonviolent (Male Crime and Deviance pg. 10). Although this is a fine theory it failed to find a concrete correlation between testosterone and criminality. There is also the Machismo and Males theory which is an important concept in masculinity and its relationship to male violent and aggressive behaviour. Machismo has been particularly associated with the criminality of Latino men. Many experts attribute their victimization and sexual abuse or the macho male, suggesting that violence against women is more likely to be a product of machismo-oriented cultures than cultures that favour more equality of the sexes (Male Crime and Deviance 34).therefore Machismo appears to be rooted in Hispanic communities sense of family and cultural isolation. Although some believe that criminals are manufactured by genetics and society, others believe that criminals are a product of their environment which includes such things as poverty, education, parenting practises and family structure. Many studies have been conducted that believe that the percentage of poor Americans who are living in extreme poverty has reached a 32-year high (Christian Association for Prison Aftercare 2010). This is defined as individuals living at half of the federal poverty line. Sociologist and criminal justice scholars have found a direct correlation between poverty and crime. Therefore it is believed that individuals resort to crime only if the cost or consequences are outweighed by the potential benefits to be gained.  Ã‚   The logical conclusion to this theory is that people living in poverty are far more likely to commit property crimes such as burglary, larceny, or theft (Christian Association for Prison Aftercare 2010). Although this theory may be true it does not relate to everybody, therefore there are many short comings, and much controversy among this theory. While some scholars believe this theory to be true others believe that poverty does not have a causal relationship to crime because there are countries in which poverty is very high but the crime rate is relatively low (Christian Association for Prison Aftercare 2010). There are many other theories among them is the child abuse and neglect theory, which is the relationship between child abuse, neglect, delinquent and serious or violent criminal behaviour has been strongly documented on the literature. The act of being violated gives these vulnerable young people a street-ready repertoire of violence; they know how to kick because they have been kicked, they know how to stab because they have been stabbed, they know how to torment and humiliate because they have experienced the same (Telegraph Newspaper 2008). For example Brandt Steele cited research in which more than 80 percent of the juvenile offenders had a history of being abused, with 43 percent recalling being knocked unconscious by a parent. Martin Haskell and Lewis Yablonsky held that juvenile detention facilities are filled with offenders who were victims of child abuse. Similarly, self report data on prisoners indicate a high percentage had been physically or sexually abused during childh ood (Male Crime and Deviance pg.42). In spite of this persuasive associated between child abuse and deviant behaviour, not all researcher agree that the two are necessarily interrelated (Male Crime and Deviance pg.42). Factor or reasons for delinquency and crimes are often very difficult to explain because there are many different theories and concepts around this issue that each takes a different stand. Some scientist such as Cesare Lombroso believed that some people are biologically predisposed to criminal behaviour (Male Crime and Deviance pg.5). His theory although filled with weakness gave the ground for other theorist to follow but also put their own spin on it such as Ernest Hooten and William Sheldon. Although these theories where discredited because of prejudices and methodological weakness it lead the way to other forms of theories such as the heredity -Genetic theory , the XYY Chromosome theory, and brain and neurological dysfunction theories . Although these theories may be very convincing other researchers did not believe that criminal behaviour was derived biologically. They believed that things like a persons cultural surroundings, their genes and their environment predisposes them t o criminal behaviour. Therefore the main purpose of this essay was to draw from certain theories to assist in explaining the fact that individuals were biologically predisposed to criminal behaviour

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Redefining Public and Private Essay -- Equality Gender Papers

Redefining Public and Private "Public and private are imbedded within a dense web of associational meanings and intimations and linked to other basic notions: nature and culture, male and female... The content, meaning, and range of public and private vary with the exigencies of each society's existence and turn on whether the virtues of political life or the values of private life are rich and vital or have been drained, singly or together, of their normative significance." The mantra of second wave feminism, "the personal is political," signifies the first attempt to break down the gendered division between the private sphere attributed to women and the public sphere of men. There is no clear origin of this public/private division; it could have been, as Germaine Greer humorously suggests, "while the male-hunter-gatherer strolled along burdened with no more that his spear and a throwing stick, his female mate trudged along after him carrying their infant, their shelter, their food supplies and her digging stick." It appears that, from the moment of human interaction and language, and its implicit category making of social divisions, women have always been associated with the private, and men with the public. From the beginning of first wave feminism and the fight for women's suffrage, women have been using politics to enter the public realm of men, thus challenging the stark division between public man and private woman. A goal of the feminist movement has been to create equality between the sexes, both in the public and private spheres of life. In doing so, the gendered spaces of men and women have become blurred and, because of the linkage between public/private and man/woman, respectively, the division between pr... ...ssion, and Abortion: Women Who Oppose Abortion Rights in the Name of Feminism." Feminist Nightmares: Women at Odds, Feminism and the Problem of Sisterhood. Ed. Susan Ostrov Weisser and Jennifer Fleishner. New York: New York University Press, 1994. 159-188. Regan, Priscilla M. Legislating Privacy: Technology, Social Values, and Public Policy. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 1995. Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 (1973) Siltanen, Janet and Michelle Stanworth. "The politics of private woman and public man." Women and the Public Sphere. Eds. Janet Siltanen and Michelle Stanworth. New York, NY: St. Martin's Press, 1984. 185-208. Woolf, Virginia. Three Guineas. New York, NY: Harcourt, Inc., 1938. Young, Iris. "Pregnant Embodiment." Body and Flesh: A Philosophical Reader. Ed. Donn Welton. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 1998. 274-290.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Embracing Depression Essay -- Personal Narrative, essay about myself

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -- Oscar Wilde Perhaps I feel compelled to write on the subject of depression because it is a selfish disease. It seeps into every crevice of one's life; it refuses to be ignored, to be relegated to some obscure corner of the mind. Perhaps I'm writing about it because of what I have learned about my relationship with the disease. Perhaps the time has come when I'm ready to stop cursing the depression and start embracing it. What I'm about to say is terribly unfashionable, and I hope that you will forgive any offense that it may cause. In all truthfulness, I'm glad that I have lived with depression as a companion. This statement does not imply that I have relished the grief and guilt the disease has borne. It does not mean that I have enjoyed the fits of despair, the self-imposed isolation, or the shared sorrow of my frie... ...effe, Ray Charles, Francis Ford Coppola, John Kenneth Galbraith, Soren Kierkegaard - I can't help but wonder if their accomplishments were not just in spite of, but partially because of, their illness. Oscar Wilde once wrote, "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." I have reached a point in my life where I can concur with that sentiment. At last, I have realized that lying in the mud enhances the times when I've set my heart with the stars.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Archetypes in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay

In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain utilizes the archetypes of the Unwilling Hero, the Shape Shifter, and Haven vs. Wilderness to show that Huck Finn and Jim can find freedom all along the banks of the Mississippi River. Huck portrays the unwilling hero because he puts a lot of thought into something before he does it, even though it will benefit everybody. He is also very hesitant to perform heroic acts. The King and Duke show the archetype of the shape shifter because they are constantly lying about their identities and deceiving everybody. The Mississippi represents the characters â€Å"haven†, and Huck and Jim’s home represents the â€Å"wilderness†. Huckleberry Finn portrays the archetype of the unwilling hero. Huck is very reluctant to do the right thing, and always feels guilty about everything he does. The challenges Huck had to overcome almost caused Huck and Jim to loose their chance at finding freedom, but he always built up his courage and was pushed to fight for what he thought was right. After Tom and Huck spooked Jim, Tom wanted to take it further and â€Å"tie Jim to a tree for fun† (page 5). Huck had felt guilty for scaring Jim and didn’t want to do anymore harm, so Huck said â€Å"no; he might wake and make a disturbance† (page 5). This relates to him being an unwilling hero because you can see that Huck felt bad for doing the wrong thing and his conscience pushed him to do the right thing the second time around. Another time when Huck did something to get Jim and himself further down the river was when he said â€Å"I won’t let no runaway niggers get by me if I can help it. † (page 91). Huck then went on trying to convince himself that what he did was right. â€Å"They went off and I got aboard the raft, feeling bad and low; because I knowed very well I had done wrong, and I see if warn;t no use for me to try to learn to do right†¦then I thought a minute, and says to myself, hold on; s’pose you’d ‘a’ done right and giver Jim up, would you felt better than what you do now? No says I, I’d feel bad-I’d feel just the same way I do now. Well, then, says I, what’s the use you ain’t no trouble to do wrong. † (page 91). Huck felt guilty for lying about having Jim aboard with him, he knew that what he was doing was illegal and had trouble seeing the good in what he did. As the reader, you know that Jim is actually a good man and doesn’t deserve to be treated as a slave. But for Huck, it was a really hard struggle for him to convince himself that lying about Jim and doing the immoral thing was actually acting as the hero. Even Huck didn’t think of himself as a hero after he did this, he felt bad about what he did, but the fact that it took a lot to persuade him to feel comfortable about his decision shows that he is suitable for the unwilling hero. In the quote â€Å"I says to myself, this is another one that I’m letting his rob her of her money. And when she got through they all jest laid theirselves out to make me feel at home and know I was amongst friends. I felt so ornery and low down and mean that I says to myself, my mind’s made up; I’ll hive that money for them or bust. † (page 175), Huck had just allowed con artist to steal money from many different people and had felt guilty about it because he knew of them being shape shifters all along. When the con artists made their attempt to steal these three innocent girls inheritance, Huck felt so bad that he decided to scheme against them and steal their money back. It took a lot of courage for Huck to do this. The reader and Huck share the knowledge of knowing the King and Dukes real identity as con artists. But with Huck being inside the situation, opposed to the reader being able to see the clear decision, Huck did not want people to know that he had done this deed. This shows that he was still hesitant on wanting to do this heroic act. This is showed when Huck says â€Å"I got to do it in a way that they won’t suspicion that I done it† (page 175). Once again it takes a lot of Huck convincing himself to do this heroic act and is still unsure about it after he does this. This clearly shows Huck in the archetype of the unwilling hero. Having Huck step out of his comfort zone lead himself and Jim to freedom, but Huck would not have been able to show as much courage if it weren’t for the archetype of the shapeshifter portrayed by the King and Duke. The Duke and King are always lying about their identity and changing their story, they deceive many people including Jim, threatening Huck and Jim’s chance at freedom. The Duke and King began their role as shape shifters when they were first introduced in the novel. Huck and Jim were fooled by them for a bit, but it didn’t take long for Huck to figure out that these were con artists. Having two shape shifters aboard with them also got Huck to explore his role as the unwilling hero more. You can see this by the way he doesn’t want to say he knows who they really are. â€Å"It didn’t take me long to make up my mind that these liars warn’t no Kings nor Dukes at all, but just low down humbugs and frauds. But I never said nothing, never let on; kept it to myself; it’s the best way; then you don’t have no quarrels, and don’t get into no trouble. † (page 125). The King and Duke scammed a whole town out of $87. 75 by making up a make story just to make some quick money. â€Å"He told them he was a pirate-been a pirate for thirty years†¦he’d been robbed last night and put ashore off of a steamboat without a cent†¦and put in the rest of his life trying to turn the pirates into the true path† (page 131) Because the town people thought that their story was so heart touching they decided to give them a lot of money even though they didn’t need it at all. This shows how ruthless these characters actually are even thought they come across as kind people. The King and Dukes final example of being shape shifters was when they sold Jim back as a slave. By doing this Huck and Jim finally realize how cruel and rotten these people are. They completely betrayed the people who had helped these con artists escape down the river buy selling Jim back into slavery for a very small price. This shows their true character and makes Huck so angry, that he finally decides to step up and become Jim’s hero. It was very common for the Duke and King to do this, but it took a lot of courage for Huck to finally decide to rescue Jim. This was Huck’s major act that can be seen as the unwilling hero and the final step into securing Jim’s freedom. All of that can be seen when Huck says â€Å"After all we had done for those scoundrels, here it was all come to nothing, everything was all busted up and ruined, because they could have the heart to sever Jim suck a trick as that, and make him a slave again all his life, and amongst strangers, too, for forty dirty dollars† (page 211). Even though the King and Duke where very deceiving shape shifters, they help Huck realize that the Mississippi River was where he could find his freedom and that the river was his â€Å"haven†. Haven vs. Wilderness is another archetype that is prominent in the novel. Huck and Jim spend almost all of the story out on the Mississippi River, but just because it is in the Wilderness doesn’t mean that that is their â€Å"Wilderness†. The story starts off with Huck explaining that he has a bad home life. His father is always drunk and doesn’t take care of him, so he lives with the widow. The widow is in full control of Huck and he hates it. He is the kind of person who loves to have freedom and is always striving for it. That is the same for Jim, he is a slave that almost gets sold for money, but all he wants is freedom. Both Huck and Jim’s home lives are not what either of them are looking for. This shows that this part of their lives is actually the Wilderness because to them they are unhappy and not comfortable. This is showed when Huck says â€Å"Pretty soon I wanted to smoke, and asked the widow to let me, but she wouldn’t. † (page 2). Huck and Jim end up running away and spending their lives out on the Mississippi River, hoping that eventually they will cross the border and Huck will have the freedom he wanted and Jim will no longer be a slave. Throughout the story the reader starts to realized that the Mississippi River represents freedom and Huck and Jim have actually found their haven out on the river with each other. Both of them achieve the freedom they want and have a good time exploring and meeting new people (and smoking tobacco). This life is exciting and thrilling for them and is actually what they aspired from the beginning. This is why the Mississippi River is their Haven. You know when Huck gets away when you read â€Å"I fooled pap and got away† (page 30). You can also see how Jim was treated when he says â€Å"I hear old missus tell de wider she gwyne to sell me down to Orleans, but she didn’t want to, but she could git eight hund’d dollars for me, en it ‘uz sich a big stack o’ money she couldn’ resis’. † (page 43). By the end of the book Huck is saying that he is going to have to stay with his Aunt because his father died and his Aunt couldn’t just let him go. When Huck says â€Å"Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and civilize me, and I can’t stand it. I been there before. † (page 293). Huck is upset about being adopted because you can see that he loved being on the raft with all of the excitement and freedom. Huck is put back into the â€Å"Wilderness† and finally realizes that what he wants (what his haven is), is to be out exploring the world with his buddies Tom and Jim. Even though this is opposite from what you would expect a haven and a wilderness to be it is what made Huck happy and kept the novel interesting. These places are where Huck finally realized that for the first time in his life he had the freedom that he had always wanted. Through all the example you can see how Mark Twain used the archetypes of the Unwilling Hero, the Shape Shifter, and Haven vs. Wilderness to demonstrate a struggle to freedom in the book The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn is the Unwilling hero because it takes a lot of persuading for him to do the right thing, but in the end he always does. The King and Duke display the Shape Shifter archetype because of how deceiving and two faced they are around everybody. Finally the Mississippi River represents the characters â€Å"Haven† and Huck and Jim’s home represent â€Å"Wilderness† because of how unhappy they are at home opposed to the river where they are both happy. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a very inspirational story of Huck performing selfless heroic acts and will leave you feeling good and hopeful for the characters in their future.